Friday, October 11, 2013

This Must Be Woodpecker Week

I've picked up a few new Followers in the last couple of weeks - welcome aboard!

I am continuing on with my October Owl-athon...
Next up is the owl from Prairie Schooler's "Boo Moon".

Thursday evening from 5:00-6:30pm my peanut feeders were Standing Room Only!

Not the best photo, but you can see both Acorn Woodpeckers arrived at the same time. One is at the peanut feeder, the other is waiting its turn on a mullein.

So finally, a couple of photos of the female Acorn Woodpecker.

The difference - the red patch on her head is smaller than the male.  Her head, from back to front is red, black, and white.   

As you can see the male has a larger red patch that goes straight from red to white (no black above the eyes like the female).

They seem to be about the same size too.

My 'fine feathered Flicker" was back in the evening.

But this was my real treat!  A female Downy Woodpecker.

Her tail has some of the same pretty striped feathers as the Flicker.
She's the smallest of my woodpeckers - only 5.5" tall.
In comparison, the Acorns are 7.5" tall and the Flickers are 11" tall.

Not the best photos as I'm shooting through the dining room window.  I think I need to give the window a good washing!

Now I need to see a Sapsucker and a Piliated Woodpecker and my week will be complete!


  1. Thanks for the woodpecker show - they're so pretty :-)

  2. So cool! Love seeing all the woodpeckers!

  3. I have not stitched the owl in the Boo Moon series. I can't wait to see how yours turns out. Thanks so much for the woodpecker show!

  4. Wow, your pictures are amazing! I just love seeing the woodpecker up close.
    Thanks for sharing those.

    I love that PS booklet and look forward to seeing your owl stitched up.

  5. I love the Acorn Woodpeckers, they look like such clowns or jokers :)

  6. I love the Acorn Woodpeckers, they look like such clowns or jokers :)

  7. Look at that Downy one--looks so soft and vulnerable to me. NOW I see a difference between Flickers and Woodpeckers that I would recognize fast--straight beaks versus curved ones. Not that they are often confused, but in MY excitement, IF I should ever see one or the other... I'm good now.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.