Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Birds of All Sorts

It's fitting that I'm stitching owls this month as our Great Horned Owls have become quite vocal once again.  Most nights I fall asleep listening to them as they call out to one another. Hoo hoo-hoo-hoo hoo!

I'm not sure that I've ever had this many Goldfinches.  I counted over 40 in this photograph which doesn't show the birds on the feeders, on the ground beneath the feeders, and in the bushes awaiting their turn at the feeders.  My flock may be over 100 birds.

Here are three awaiting their turn.

This series of two photos pleases me no end. 

I love the sunlight glinting off dew on the blossoms of the Salvia.

Here the sunlight is showing of a male Anna's Hummingbird's fine feathers.

If it strikes just right all the feathers atop his head and on his throat become iridescent. 


  1. The horned owl is my son's favorite owl. Have you been able to get a picture of him? I'd love to see it. I do love your owl theme.

  2. I took a vertebrate zoology course as part of my college major, so have been enjoying the birds you feature on your blog. And I stitch too, so love the pictures and descriptions of your projects as well.

  3. Śliczne ptaszki. Kiedyś trzymałam w domu sowę,którą ktoś postrzelił. Gdy wyzdrowiała odzyskała wolność.

  4. I love seeing the bird photos. That last one with the hummingbird really shows off that iridescent almost fuchsia colour - beautiful!

    Love your new project with the horned owl. (no hooting)

  5. I live in Michigan and my hummingbirds have gone south:( They leave about mid September. Miss them:)

  6. You know I am a fan of the hummer's fancy color! ;)

  7. Sweet stitching project,,,with pretty fabric.
    Lovely birds
    Hugs x

  8. Beautiful pics! We have alot of Goldfinches, but I don't think we have as many as you, lol. Wish I could hear some owls too.

    Can't wait to see your newest project finished.

  9. Love your new project. And the pics of the goldfinches and hummingbirds -- gorgeous!

  10. Absolutely wonderful pictures of birds!

  11. I've never seen so many goldfinches at once! We get excited about 12-13 at a time.

  12. You are so lucky Beth in having such a variety of birds visit you. I do not get many fofr I have a huge oak at the bottom of the garden which is where they all go. When I leave food out the squirrels get to no metter what kind of container it is.

    Love your collage of owls

    Hazel c UK

  13. Wonderful birds and I love your stitching.

  14. Wow, do you have a breeding colony of goldfinches!

  15. There was a great horned owl in our Oak tree the other morning and I was drowsily waking thinking my husband was talking to me...Ha ha :)

  16. Whoa! That is a lot of gold finches! What a great photo. :)

  17. Wow! You have to win the prize for most goldfinches at one sighting! How glorious! I don't think I have ever heard an owl... I am such a city girl! :)


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