Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Symphony in Blue

As it turned out it took about 90 minutes to finish and there were 17 buttons to attach (not 18). 
I'm pretty pleased with it.

Design - "The Rabbit Alphabet"
Designer - JBW Designs
Fabric - 28 count Antique white linen
Fibers - Crescent Colours - "Betty Bluebell" - 2 strands over 2 threads (used 3 skeins)
Started - 31 August 2012
Completed - 24 October 2013

Let's continue on with our Blue Theme.

While Tom-Cat and Parvati aren't blue, but they do enjoy a nap on our blue love seat.

In my bird world, the Steller's Jay wins hands down as the prettiest blue.
Look at all those lovely blue downy belly feathers.

He looks as though he is wearing a navy blue cape over his brighter blue outfit.  I don't think I'd ever noticed the blue/black pattern of the wings before. 

And then there's the striking Mohawk haircut and the bright blue lines above the beak.

A very handsome, if strident bird! 

In my plant world, this Salvia is still blooming its heart out.

And we must not forget the Scrub Jay.  A pretty lighter blue bird with prominent white eyebrows..

He has a band of gray at the shoulders.

I'll end my Symphony in Blue with Salvia 'Black & Blue' - the hands down winner as tabulated by my Hummingbirds.


  1. OOooooh, soooo pretty!!!! Love all the blue! Love your finish! Love seeing the cats in blue. lol! Love the blue birds too! So is a Blue Jay different from a Stellar's Jay? I assume it is. I don't think we have Stellar's Jays, but we definitely have Blue Jays. Am I wrong???

  2. Oh goodness! Both of the jays are so very gorgeous!!
    My favorite bunny is the one above the R.The leaping rabbit with a ♥.

  3. Your blues are beautiful. Love your descriptions of the birds...eye brows and Mohawks! Like the little blue stitched piece, too.


  4. Pretty finish, well done! We have Eurasian Jays , which have just a touch of blue on their wings, but your all-over blue ones are just spectacular.

  5. What Crescent Colour did you use? It is lovely:) I'm looking to do a baby sampler and can't find exactly what I've got in mind. Maybe this would work:)

  6. What a lovely finish - congrats!! I just love your photos of the blue birds today - marvelous!

    I'm so impressed with your blog header and love the collection of owl-related pieces. I recently bought some owl patterns myself. Can you tell me what pattern the one is that has the little owl inside the "O" in the word owl? So cute!

  7. I do so like the Blue theme today! It was lovely to see all those lovely blue birds and the blue salvia is fantastic and it's still blooming. Is that the one that grows like a thug in your garden? I might try and plant one in a pot for next year.

    Love the Rabbit Alphabet - so lovely!

  8. Oh, such lovely shades of blue! Thank you for bringing beauty into my everyday life😀

  9. Bonnie blue birds. The scrub jay reminds of the shape of our magpies. There's one visiting us at the moment and the poor thing has either no legs or broken legs as it feeds resting on it's stomach. This afternoon it was sitting on our fence on it's tummy and kept tipping backwards and forwards trying to keep it's balance.

  10. That Stellar's Jay is just stunning! Mother Nature's proof the blue and black really do go well together.

  11. Aww such super sweet beautiful blue :)
    Very beautiful pictures
    Hugs x

  12. What a beautiful post that didn't make me feel 'blue' at all! Beth your sampler is lovely - bunnies and alphabets are a winning combination. The birds are striking.

  13. Fabulous blue post! Congrats on the finish!

  14. Congratulations on a beautiful finish. We have "plain" bluejays on this side of the country, but nothing with the color combination of the Steller's Jay.

  15. Really lovely post, Beth! Blue is my favorite color and I just love your newest finish so much. What color CC did you use? It is just beautiful!

  16. Blue blue blue! What a lovely post. I don't like all blues, all the times, but everything here is just perfect.
    Congrats on finishing! :)

  17. I'm loving all that beautiful blue. The Rabbit Alphabet is stunning!

  18. A beautiful sampler finish. Love the thread colour. The Stellar Jay is so striking.

  19. Prześliczny ten niebieski ptak! Piękne zdjęcia.

  20. My friend did that sampler in a variegated color, and it was stunning also! Great job! Love the different blue birds and descriptions. Now if I can just remember next time I see one! We also have bluejays here--they are noisy! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.