Friday, September 13, 2013


The Coburg, Oregon Antique Show was last weekend.
My mother came home nd presented me with this Needle Book.
How fitting is that?  York Minster of all things!

The needle inside the case are in pretty good shape too - not much rust.

I continued to take bird pictures testing out my new camera.

Here's an Acorn Woodpecker.

A Red-breasted Sapsucker.


And still further Goldfinches.
I've changed my mind - I think we must have 4-5 dozen finches at a time.

A Song Sparrow taking an early morning bath.

Scrub Jay

And a Praying Mantis - pretty cool!

If I seem distracted it is because...

...our Tom-Cat is very sick.
Ironically he just had his checkup and passed with flying colors.
Now he has a very severe upper-resiratory infection.  The vet says it will be well over a week before we can expect to see any improvement.
He is one sad pussy cat. And we are sad and worried too.


  1. Oh Beth! I am praying for Tom-Cat. Also that the other cats do not contract this!

  2. On your last post...fantastic zoom. The detail of the moon is out of this world. (pun intended lol) Poor kitty, I hope he gets to feeling better really quick, the weather will be changing all too quickly and everyone needs to be feeling right. Mom found a great find. The new camera is working very nicely.

  3. What a sweet gift from your mom--just perfect for a stitcher who has just spent months in England :)

    Love the blue in the Scrub Jay--how perfect! Can't believe you have so many finches around, Beth.

    Aww...poor kitty--I sure hope he bounces back quickly!

  4. What a perfect needle book! And i love the shot of the Scrub Jay - wonderful colours.

    All the best for your cat, I hope he recovers quickly.

  5. Aww sweet needle book.i love it...
    I hope your kitty feel better soon.
    Hugs x

  6. Love your camera shots - quite good!

    Hope Tom-Cat feels better soon. It's so hard when our fur-kids are sick. My doggie is recovering from a bout of pancreatitis - so scary! It's really a worry, isn't it?

  7. Lovely pictures . Hope Tom-cat gets better soon .xxx

  8. I'm sorry to hear about the sick kitty. I will be sending good get well wishes to him!

  9. Isn't camouflage wonderful - it blends in so well. I do hope puss cat is much better very quickly - I know how worrying it is when our little furry ones are unwell.

  10. Dear Beth, How worried you must be! I will keep TomCat in my prayers - our kitties are such an integral part of our days.

  11. Your poor Tom Cat. I hope he gets better sooner than the vet says. Lots of good thoughts for him. Your bird pictures are beautiful. And I love that needlebook!

  12. You take such beautiful pictures... I think that camera is a good buy for you! Look at all those goldfinches! Wow! Scrub Jay is a nice one to see--pretty blue! Hope Tom Cat will recover quicker. Your praying mantis picture reminded me of my adventure tonite on a walk with my sister through the neighborhood. As we passed certain trees, the cicadas got really really loud--it's creepy. And I remarked the same... About a minute later, one fell out of a tree over our heads onto the ground beside us! I jumped out of the way and was cringing. Yecch! They are so ugly! I find it funny tho... God wanted me to see one, since I hadn't ever...and right after my sister explained what they looked like, one dropped right down... yecch... Very funny!

  13. awww hope tom cat starts to feel much better soon ... and how lovely to find the York needlebook too ...
    gorgeous shots of the birdies too :) love mouse xxxxx


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