Sunday, August 4, 2013

She Made It! Finally...

My sister was due to arrive at Heathrow at 7:00am this morning.
That didn't happen though.  Her flight from Eugene to San Francisco was 90 minutes late leaving due to fog in San Francisco.  She missed her SF to London flight and had to be rerouted to Frankfurt, Germany before arriving here at 5:50pm.

So that changed our plans for today.  

While we were waiting for her, we decided to go back to the Columbia Road Flower Market one last time.  

I enjoyed listening to the banter of the vendors. Many of them are entertainers with their jokes and jibes.

Summer flowers reign now - dahlias and sunflowers.

I'll miss this garden shop.

If I lived here, I would be a 'regular'.

So many pretty flowers.

It's easy to see why they were snapped up and heading to their new homes. 
I think the sunflowers were the winners of the popularity contest - £5 a bunch.

Later in the afternoon we headed over to Green Park and Clarence House.
The park was full of bicyclists finishing up their Prudential ride.

We had tickets for a tour of Clarence House - home to the Prince of Wales.
We got to see four of the rooms on the ground floor.  No photos though.  I did enjoy seeing how it is now decorated.  The Prince has kept much of his late grandmother's furnishings - furniture, paintings, and the like.

We then walked through St. James Park and I was delighted to see my friends the pelicans once again.

Love this Lego Underground billboard too.

My sister arrived at Paddington Station about 7:00pm.  We have her home, we've fed her, and so now off to bed.  Tomorrow is to be another busy day. 


  1. The flower market sounds pretty colourful, in more ways than one. It will be good to have your sister over for company along with your mum, I would think that she'll be pretty tired tomorrow.

  2. too bad your sister's flight got so messed up by the fog in SF. I'm glad you had a chance to go to the flower market again though. And Clarence House too.

  3. I am so glad she finally made it!You and your Mom found a wonderful way to spend the day while waiting for her.

  4. I must tell you that I'm still enjoying your stories and photos immensely. Would love to visit Britain again!

  5. I wish you, your mom and sister a Fantastic time together - how exciting she's there!!!
    love Annette
    ps love those flower pots with the tones of purples at your favorite garden shop:)

  6. I wish you all had a lovely time together :)
    Love x

  7. So glad that she arrived safely. It looks like you had a lovely day. Such gorgeous flowers. I love the lego.

  8. Glad your sister made it okay after the bad start.

    Yes Colombia road is great it is few years since I have been. Never been inside Clarence House should imagine it s lovely.

    What time do you fly out of heathrow on the 17th Beth and will it be BA terminal 5'

    Look forward to your next post.


  9. I can see why a gardener like yourself would love that flower market! Those pots too!

    Glad your sister made it there...finally.

  10. Looks like you had a perfect day waiting for your sister's arrival, Beth! I'm so happy she arrived safely... Who is now watching the kitties?

  11. I'm reading out of order, cause I saw that your sister was coming! So who's minding the cats?? Hugs!


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