Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Last Day in London (For My Sister)

I'm coming down the home-stretch with my current stitch, so I've kitted up this Mosey 'n Me bunny.

Today was my sister's last day in London.  She flies back home tomorrow morning.  This is how she chose to spend her day.

We started the day at the Chelsea Physic Garden.  Mom and I visited back in June and the garden looks quite different two months later.

June was spring and August is summer in the garden.

There was an explosion of color - look at all the blues!

The flowerbeds were full to over-flowing.

The green oasis of palms is a favorite place of mine.

With summer comes the reds, oranges, and yellows.

The vegetable garden is in its prime now.

Chelsea Physic Garden is a great place to bird-watch.  There are several birdfeeders with lots of customers. I saw Blackbirds, Mistle Thrush, Tits, Robins, and Parakeets. I know they are considered to be a nuisance, but I continue to be amused by the antics of the parakeets.
This small Robin sang and sang and sang to me.

On our walk back to Sloan Square station we passed this wonderful antique shop.  This is what I think an antique shop should be - small with carefully selected group of items:  Georgian sewing notions, snuff boxes, and Wemyss Wear pottery.  I spied a wonderful Wemyss box and tray with an attractive beehive motif.  I have great taste as it was £950.  

We popped up at Blackfriar's Bridge looking for a post office only to find that it had become a Tesco.  Oh well, it was a chance to admire the bridges and statues as we walked toward St. Paul's.

We ended our afternoon walking past the Tate Modern and over the Millennium Bridge (which always makes me think of the movie "Love, Actually") to St. Paul's.

This evening we will go to Prince Edward's Theatre to see a production of "Jersey Boys". Tomorrow morning my sister flies off to Oregon, and one week later we follow along.  Our time here is now ticking quickly away...
Back from the theatre - what a wonderful show.  Enjoyed it tremendously - highly recommend! 


  1. I have thoroughly enjoyed your summer vacation. Thank you so much for taking us with you. Enjoy your last week of visitng favorites. And safe journey home

  2. Gosh, only a week left? How long have you been away? Time surely flies.

    Love the photos of the garden (of course). I love the robins over there. They are so cute and reminds me of the movie The Secret Garden. Our robins over here seem like giant thugs! lol.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing your adventures-- what a simply perfect day. :) Good luck on your bunny beginning.

  4. Safe travels for your sister. Am going to miss traveling with you when you return to the states.

  5. Safe travel for your sister..
    Lovely photos.
    Hugs x

  6. What a lovely day. Hope everything goes smoothly for your sister tomorrow.

  7. I think your sister made such a wise choice. The flowers are all beautiful. All the blues were especially pretty.

  8. I have loved travelling around England with you and am sorry to hear that it will all soon end. But great to know I can come back and visit your photo-journey which you have done so well.

  9. Since you've been away so long do you even want to come back? Now that's a vacation! I have enjoyed your pictures so much.

  10. You know I have to leave a comment about the birdies! Parakeets? Wild ones? How amazing! And the little robin is so sweet, singing to you...Hope Sis has a safe trip home! Off to see what else I have missed... ALL Delightful of course!! Big Hugs!

  11. Ah how bittersweet! I hope your sister has enjoyed her stay with you guys. I love the pieces you saw in the antique store. So cool! Love those cats!

  12. Yes the gardens look so different from earlier on. Hope your sister has enjoyed her stay and you have a few more innteresting days to store up more memories.

    Like a lot of others I will miss your daily posts but will certainly be going back to them for future outings.

    Travel safe. Wishes to your sister


  13. The veggie garden sure has grown. I do remember the photo you took on your first visit. Love all the colors that blossomed. Awe:( your sister is leaving. Soo happy she got to join you and your mom. I like your next stitching project.
    love Annette

  14. isn't it amazing how things change in just a few months :)
    gorgeous wee robin ...
    and coooo fancy spotting that bargain ..lol love mouse xxxxx


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