Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It's Wednesday - Let's Go For a Walk

 As August ends, the signs of autumn are everywhere.
Let's take a walk.
The leaves of the Vine Maple have begun to turn.

As have the Blackberry leaves. 

It looks like we'll have a pretty good crop this year.

I looked everywhere for Hazel nuts. I didn't find any - I wonder if the jays have already had their way with them.

The leaves of the Dogwood are turning too.

And they've set their fruit.

A couple of small apples on our wilding tree are up high enough to have escaped the attention of the deer.  

I spied a few acorns on the Oak trees... well as a good crop of Oak Galls.

The Ash are among the first to loose their leaves in the autumn.

False Solomon's Seal puts on a show this time of year.
First with bright red berries... 

...that turn white when they ripen.

There's no much in the way of late summer flowers.
Some Queen Ann's Lace...

...and a goodly patch of Pearly Everlasting.

After the prolonged drought we've had this summer, I was pleased to see a large deep pool of water in the Big Creek.
It's good to be home once again.


  1. Yummy walk :)
    Thank you dear.
    Huge hugs x

  2. Such a delightful walk Beth love the name Pearly everlasting.
    The squirrels ate all my nuts from my twisted hazel bush and thy were not even ripe.

    Hazel c uk

  3. I enjoyed my walk with you:)
    love Annette
    p.s. I don't recall ever seeing Solomon's Seal before. Lovely it turns white when ripened.

  4. That is a lovely walk indeed -- even if I don't like seeing signs of fall yet, lol.

  5. What a nice walk. Things up here are about the same degree of summer's ending as they are down your way. On our trip we saw lots of vine maples turning color. Very pretty!I love those Pearly Everlasting ,so delicate.

  6. Always a lovely vicarious walk with for some of those berries in a pie! LOL

  7. Lovely walk. I love fall, our dogwood is changing too. So early for here.

  8. The Solomon's Seal has such a contrast of colors when it turns... interesting. Enjoyed the walk. Hugs!


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