Sunday, August 25, 2013

Deer Me

Saturday morning I had a group of four 'helping' me as I set out the bird food.

There's one large two, and two smaller...

...and a fawn.

The largest one snorted and stomped a bit - letting me know she was annoyed to have me around. 

Later on this set of twins appeared - no Mama Deer in sight. 


...and cuter still.
I fussed and worried that they might be orphans, but later in the day a doe finally showed up and they followed her off into the forest.


  1. They're beautiful - and so close to the house!

  2. Oh my , you do live in a paradise, well except for the bobcat who would worry me. I am betting your cats made a great fuss on your return...yeah right!

  3. Lucky you! Very nice photos.
    Welcome home!

  4. They are just beautiful animals. When I see one in the neighborhood, I always worry about them eating my plants.

  5. That first picture of all four looks like one is climbing the tree! It certainly is something that they would 'trust' you enough to come that close... Is that your house in the background??

  6. your photo of the deer and birds with the bird feeder looks like its one of the scenes from a Disney movie come to life. So enchanting and beautiful. love Annette

  7. Deer are one of the most gentle and lovely creatures, I always enjoy seeing them.

  8. Beautiful creatures! I chuckled thinking that the big one was "annoyed" that you were around. Honestly, you have a lot of nerve being in their way. Pesky human!

  9. I could watch the deer all day! I've been watching a group of 5 fawns that run and play near our summer cottage.

  10. So sweet! Momma knew they would be safe with you!! lol.

  11. Aww, look at those big ears. So cute. They must know you offer a safe haven. Loved the hummingbirds on the last post too.

  12. If only the place I lived had deer! They are so sweet and cute! All we have are moose... not the best thing to look at...


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