Friday, August 23, 2013

Dahlia Time

It's possible to accomplish quite a bit of stitching on a long plane ride!
I made a very nice start on Citrouille's Designs "Spring Time".

I came home to Autumn Time.  
That means my sister's Dahlia Garden is coming into its own.

September is Show Month for Dahlias and I think she'll have lots to chose from...

There are different forms and sizes...

I'm taken with this one.

I think anyone can find a dahlia to like.

We ended the day yesterday with a colorful sunset.


  1. Your new stitch is so pretty! Your sister's dahlias are spectacular!!

  2. Beautiful dahlias and gorgeous sky, the colour is so bonnie.

  3. Wow, you got a lot done on the plane! I love your sister's dahlias. Beautiful!

  4. That looks like a nice beginning of a seasonal set! And you KNOW I love the dahlias!! Can't wait to see more! Welcome back! Hugs!

  5. Welcome Home Traveler. I enjoyed my vicarious vacation with you and you Mum. XD Glad you are safe and sound home.

  6. Great progress on the stitching. Beautiful Dahlias too.

  7. I love your "Spring Time" design. How pretty the color of the thread is showing on the beautiful linen. You made great progress on the plane. Love it:) Beautiful garden of Dahlias. love Annette

  8. I look forward to seeing these beautiful flowers. They don't do so well here. Lovely sunset.

  9. So pretty. I planted dahlias this year that are such a deep shade of purple its almost black! Such a sight dahlias are!

  10. I have dahlias too, love them. I like the same one you do there.

  11. Lovely dahlia pictures, and very nice start on the new project.

  12. Oh wow, YES, I love those dahlias! Does your sister have this as a commercial venture or is it just her private passion?

  13. Sweet stitches and pretty flowers.
    Hugs x

  14. Springtime by Citrioulle is lovely. Dahlias are one of my favourite end of summer flowers...that and sunflowers!

  15. Lovely stitching. The dahlias are beautiful.


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