Monday, July 29, 2013

Part One - Hampton Court Palace - The Gardens

Design - "Plum Cottage Sampler" (kit)
Designer - Heart in Hand 
Fabric - 32 count Cream Belfast linen
Fibers - WDW & GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 29 June 2013
Completed - 20 July 2013

Finally a finish to share!

Today we went out to Hampton Court Palace.

Look who was out admiring his gardens!

We decided to take Henry VIII's advice and begin with the gardens along the back of the palace.

One of the few things I remember from my visit to Hampton Court back in 1986 is this - the borders along the well-named Long Walk.

With the palace in the middle the two borders of the Long Walk must extend 200 yards or more in each direction.  

The borders form only a small part of the still larger Great Fountain Garden.

You can see the Great Fountain in the top row of the collage and get an idea of the size of the garden by looking at the bottom right photo.  It takes a BIG garden to upstage Hampton Court Palace!

A truly stunning setting.

This is yet another garden and is called the Privy Garden.  In 1533 Henry VIII created a private garden on the south side of the palace.

Lots of statues and clipped and shaped evergreens.

And a magnificent view back toward the palace.

There are two smaller gardens that make up the Pond Gardens.

One is full of color - all the beds bursting with annuals.

The other is more restful - quiet shades of green.

Another garden contains a dahlia border.

I know that my sister will be pleased to see that monarchs deem this plant worthy of its own garden.

This garden is the Lower Orangery Garden.  It is full of tender plants and trees.  By the 1690's Queen Mary had a collection of over 2000 'exotick' plants. 

Given the number and size of the  many gardens, it is no surprise that the garden art is also on a majestic scale.

As is even the grape vine.  The vine was planted in 1768 for King George III by the famous gardener Lancelot Capability Brown.  The vine is in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's largest single grape vine. And yes, it is dripping with Black Hamburg Grapes.


  1. What a magnificent place to visit. I was pleased to see a dahlia border. My small little contribution to the dahlia world is blooming right now. Henry must have had MANY gardeners to take care of the beautiful gardens!

  2. A stunning place to visit - imagine the time it takes to keep those gardens looking so good.

  3. Wow, fantastic! I hope Henry VIII was nice. :D

  4. Such an amazing place. I would love to visit again some day.

  5. Well done on the finish - pretty! Hampton Court is breathtaking. Did you go in the maze?

  6. The grape vine is so cool!!
    I love the pond gardens, both settings.

  7. yup that long walk is long isn't it .. gorgeous flowers and rooms and yeahhh glad to find your sisters flower there too ...
    fountain's look wonderful and won't have minded trying a grape or two :) love mouse xxxxxx


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