Tuesday, July 9, 2013

On the Move

Not stitching much lately - but do have the alphabet done and have begun house construction.

Today was our last day in Edinburgh.

All these photos were taken Monday night between 9:15 and 10:00pm.  No flash needed - daylight still shone and the streets were full of activity.

Leaving Edinburgh meant saying good-bye to our splurge - The Balmoral Hotel.
Bottom row center was the view from our room.
I spent the morning immersed in genealogical research.
In the afternoon we took the train to see the ruins of Linlithgow Castle.

James V was born in the palace as was his daughter, Mary Queen of Scots.
James V is responsible for the fountain (bottom row - center).

The castle sits on a bluff above a small loch.  We walked the 2.3 mile trail around the loch.

There were wildflowers...

...and great views across to the castle...

...each on better than the previous.

Lots of birds too - including Crested Grebes - a new bird for me!

It was 83F and oh so humid today.  
On top of that there was a signal failure and the trains were delayed or cancelled most of the late afternoon and early evening.  That made getting to and from Linlithgow a challenge.  And if that weren't enough, I double booked our hotel in Glasgow for the 10th and neglected to reserve a room for night...and the hotel was entirely booked.  So off we went to yet another hotel.  Aren't you glad you are home, and cool, and have a comfy bed 'booked'?

Truly all is good now - I a trip to Linlithgow.  Ann at Beadlework suggested the day trip to Linlithgow. Many thanks Ann.  I very much enjoyed the peacefulness of it. 


  1. Another beautiful place. I hope the rest of your trip goes smoothly!

  2. Oh gosh, I am so jealous. Enjoy every minute of it. Kathy

  3. What a fascinating castle! Lovely pictures as always.

  4. That fountain is so cool! Bummer about the humidity and heat and the trains and the hotel. But still, you're there and it's wonderful!

  5. Well, here I am catching up after a long weekend! Scotland now... quite gorgeous castle and grounds! Don't you love seeing the birds and wildflowers? They sure remind me of you posting at home! So hope the genealogical research was fruitful! I know you will tell me about it eventually! Take care getting back! Oh by the way, those pictures were taken at night?? How's that work? I gotta find out! Hugs!

  6. Oh my, Edinburgh. My husband and I spent our 10th wedding anniversary there. Oh the memories. Your trip continues to sound like a blast. I am really enjoying reading about it. MartyG

  7. ooooooo gorgeous views and love that hotel ...
    flowers I recognise most of them and it was 34 degrees when I got in my car yesterday after work ouchie was it hot in there ...
    hope you got sorted with a hotel and had a good nights kip :) and enjoy Glasgow :) love mouse xxxxxx

  8. Hope you had more luck researching your genealogy. How incredible that you walked all around the loch - it looks so peaceful. Hope you did find another hotel. Sorry to hear about the heat and humidity. Love the bunny pic. What is the name of the chart your stitching? Already I'm liking it:) love Annette

  9. Oh my! What a gorgeous day out. Sorry about the travel troubles.

  10. Wow! Such bright pictures. How different at night.

  11. Such a gorgeous day! The weather sounds exactly like what we're having here, Beth. You probably aren't used to the humidity living in Oregon, are you? Ugh!!

    I remember when we were in Granada, Spain, two years ago and it was still light out at 10PM... so odd, but kind of fun :)

  12. Oh no. More humid weather. Ugh. There's just NOTHING you can do to make that better. :(

    That is crazy about the light. Like, crazy AWESOME though. The hotel room is pretty sweet. I'd never want to leave. (In this fantasy situation, someone else is magically paying the bill.)


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