Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Kew Gardens and Archives

Today was supposed to be the hottest day yet in London. I think it reached 90F.

We decided to go out to Kew Gardens for the day.

Kew looks green and cool, but that's deceptive. 

The gardens were sunny and hot.  We did enjoy looking at the extensive rock garden.  It has a large water feature which helped foster the sense of cool.

The flowers in bloom were overwhelmingly bright and sunny too.

This is Kew Palace.  King George III and his family stayed here when he first became ill and was diagnosed as mentally unstable. 

We stayed clear of the glass houses today.

We did tour the woodlands and found this little guy.

Kew has a large oblong pond and it was full of water birds.

There is also a really nice vegetable garden.

I found a few blues and purples too which helped to sooth my soul.

But it isn't a day, if we don't take a long walk...
So we walked the Syon walk...

...until we had a nice view of Syon House from across the Thames River.
Syon House was once the Duke of Northumberland's London home. 

Then we walked all the way back.  Thank goodness for bottled water and drinking fountains.

Along the walk, lots of wonderful trees including Ginko, and Monkey Puzzle trees, and a rare Wollemi pine from Australia (bottom row - 2nd from right). 

The town of Kew is also home to The National Archives.  I spent about three hours there - mostly learned how to use the catalogue and order items to view.  I did, however, manage to look at one item on my Genealogical To Do List.  Then it was back to the apartment - a 45 minute ride on the very hot Underground.


  1. My what a busy day you had Beth. Kew is a favorite of mine to which I have a season ticket and vist often. My DGS at just 16 spent 6 years training at Kew. The little veg. Gardens are in fact student gardens and are a joy to watch develop from a bare patch of soil to the glorious show of veg.

    Kew achieves is a mine of information isn't it.

    What have we in store tomorrow?

    Sleep well

  2. oooooooooooo looks like another fab day tootling round ... your views have been better than mine although I did get some gorgeous shots of some swans tonight on our canal :) love mouse xxxxx

  3. My what a busy day you had Beth. Kew is a favorite of mine to which I have a season ticket and vist often. My DGS at just 16 spent 6 years training at Kew. The little veg. Gardens are in fact student gardens and are a joy to watch develop from a bare patch of soil to the glorious show of veg.

    Kew achieves is a mine of information isn't it.

    What have we in store tomorrow?

    Sleep well

  4. Love seeing Kew Gardens! You all are managing so much! I hope it cools down for you all soon.

  5. You really have been unlucky in a way with the weather being so hot. It's great that it's dry and sunny but would be better for you getting around if it was cooler. The tube is stifling in this type of heat. We have a very new monkey puzzle tree in our back garden, we bought it at the end of last year, I have always found them appealing.

  6. Great pictures of flowers, birds, and trees! It is horribly hot down here. My DD says it is dry as a bone at home. I sure hope our system for watering when we are away is working!I confess to being concerned.

  7. Great photos, Beth! You must've been wilting in that heat though. Anyone try dipping their toes in that lovely pond/lake/whatever?

  8. Love seeing Kew Gardens...
    I hope it cools down soon.. Hugs x

  9. Lovely day out. So glad that you got to research one of the items on your list. That looks like a very new box :)

  10. Oh my! What a walk for you two in such heat! Take care.

  11. You two have amazing stamina.....I love to walk but in 90 degrees I would have been sitting under a tree. Kew Gardens is always beautiful.

  12. Loved our tour today with you of Kew gardens. WOW! That water fall is beautiful. Love all the flowers and you do an amazing job of grouping the photos together in a college. Thank you great way for us to get to see more of your fantastic photos. You have made my summer Beth! Thank you:) Love getting to see your posts everyday. love Annette

  13. Kew is so beautiful, with such wonderful plants. I remember the planes coming into Heathrow flying low above - we saw a Concorde arriving, which was thrilling. Thanks for sharing your pics.

  14. so much to see! Love that view of Syon House! Spectacular! (I am catching up tonight...)Hugs!


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