Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hopetoun House

Today we took the train to Dalmeny to visit Hopetoun House.
It was built in 1699 by Robert Bruce and greatly expanded beginning 1721 by William Adam.  Charles Hope, the first occupant, was only 16 years old when his mother, Lady Margaret Hope, signed the contract for building with William Bruce, on the 28th of September 1698.  The family still lives here today.

Look closely at this painting.  What is Lady Hopetoun doing?

She is working filet brode. A woman after our own hearts. 

There were lots of lovely fabric and embroidery throughout the house: fire screens, tapestries, furniture and the like.  

All of the rooms were furnished with items original to the house.
This room is in the 'old" Bruce part of the house.

This promonade room with the furniture arranged next to the walls, is in the 'new' Adam part of the house.

This is the bed in the State Bedroom.  King George IV visited in 1822. 

So many wonderful treasures.  

The family still uses the dining room for special occasions and holiday such as Christmas. 

This is the perfectly named White Bedroom.

There were very few visitors so we were able to walk about and linger and retrace our steps and take photographs. 

This set of bells to call the servants was on display down in the butler's pantry.  My Mom thinks she could easily become accustomed to 'ringing' and having someone run to do her bidding.

The weather was perfect today - cooler and pleasant.

Hopetoun had two walks about the property and we did them both.
The Sea Walk wandered out to bluffs overlooking the estuary of the Forth and the Deer Parks - nary a deer.

The second walk was called the Spring Garden Walk.  Even though it is no longer spring there were lots of wild flowers in the dappled shade.

There were birds too - we heard far more than we ever saw, including a pheasant and a couple of woodpeckers.

We ended our stay with lunch at the tea room in the former stables.
A most pleasant day.


  1. Looks like a delightful day. I'm with your Mom, I could use that set of bells! wonderful pictures of the house, the flowers, and the birds.

  2. What a great place! So much to see... that gold framed bed was pretty magnificent! And I just thought to myself, 'Why are the floors so worn on the edges of the promenade room? You can see where they paraded, over some, but the edges... ? Enjoyed it! Hugs!

  3. Beautiful building - thanks for being our eyes there :-)

  4. This looks like such a wonderful place to visit! Love seeing all the beauty!

  5. Another interesting place Beth and your photos are wonderful. You would enjoy Osterley house not far from chiswick.


  6. I love seeing such wonderful lovely places x

  7. Great day out Beth and fabulous photographs! You were really lucky being able to take them inside the building. Look forward to your next up-date.

  8. What a beautiful place! I can't imagine living in such a grand place. I especially liked the bells. Very Downton-esque!

  9. Oh my! What a great day. Beautiful walks.

  10. I felt right at home seeing all the gorgeous Victorian furnishings and treasures of Hopetoun House:) Beautiful gardens. Great tour. Thank you Beth for sharing.
    love Annette
    ps I hope your lunch at the tea room was great.

  11. Oh I'm with your mom, I could get used to ringing the bell for service too! ;-)

    Lovely photos and a great tour. I can imagine dances in that great promenade room.

  12. Lovely photos! The tigers in that tapestry are exquisite - it looks like a painting!


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