Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hampton Court Flower Show

Today was the final day of the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show.
It was hot and humid. The only saving grace was a slight cool breeze from off the Thames.  I figured I inhaled over 2250ml of water during our 6 hours there.

We've subscribed to the British magazine "Country Living" for years.  Thus it was fun to stroll through their sponsored shopping pavilion.

Like the Chelsea Flower Show, the Hampton Court Show featured several competition gardens.

My favorite was called the Ecover Garden.

The water feature shaped like a plastic water bottle amused me.

The green on the left is the water bottle's cap!

This garden was called "Layers and Links".  You can see I like blue in the garden - flowers and hardscape both.

This peaceful garden was titled "A Room with a View".

This garden was called "Athanasia".

There were lots of unusual butterflies out and about...

They were tropical escapees from the Butterfly Pavilion!

Glorious dahlias on display - as my sister is president our our regional dahlia society, I'd be in deep trouble if I did not pay appropriate homage to her favorite plant. 

Some of the displays were so clever - the use of color tying the dress and the roses together - how creative is that?

The large Floral Pavilion had something for everyone.

If your tastes are to the orange / yellow part of the color wheel there was lots to interest you.

This display by an upscale florist was a delight.

As for me, I'm a bluey-purplish kind of girl.

My sister is drawn to reds and pinks.

What garden does not need a few chickens and a quirky coop in which to house them? 

Bees and dragonflies - two of the garden art motifs that I collect!

A long a busy day that we both enjoyed.  Now we must go back and visit Hampton Court Palace! 


  1. Looks like a wonderful show! Glad you got to spend more time at Hampton Court.

  2. Beth, You have seen so many amazing gardens and garden shows. Are you anxious to try some new things at home. I'm still looking for the blue penestomen. Thanks again for sharing.

  3. Beautiful! And you captured pinks too! =)

  4. Another splendid day Beth and so glad the weather was good, I have known the show to be ankle deep in mud.

    Don't forget the patchwork shop on the other side of hampton court bridge if you go again plus some nice little pavement cafes.

    Have fun.
    Hazel c UK

  5. So much to take in and so many gorgeous colours to feast your eyes upon. We saw lots of dragonflies on one visit last week - I'm still catching up on all your posts Beth - I still can't believe you were here when I was gone - Linlithgow is only a twenty minute drive from my house!

  6. Wow, looks wonderful! And what fun to see the shopping from Country Living too! Yes, you have to go visit the palace now. :D

  7. ahhhhhh flowers and lots of them ... love the displays ... and the dress with the roses is fab :)
    my Chickens would have loved that coop love mouse xxxxx

  8. Wow! It looks like there were so many beautiful things to see. I love British Country Living when I can get my hands on a copy. Rich loves that magazine too.
    I can't wait to see your post on Hampton Court.

  9. Oh what fun that must've been to see the Flower Show! Did you ever see the movie "Green Fingers" with Clive Owen and Helen Mirren? Wonderful movie and I was reminded of it because of your gorgeous photos. I love British CL magazine too!

    Have another great sightseeing day!

  10. I have dreams of my gardens looking like these, but they will have to remain dreams for the near future. Besides, meadow flowers and trees are good too.

  11. My BIL and nephew rode to Hampton Court Palace and took the train home--they were complaining about the flower show crowds and now I know who they mean! :) I was thinking of putting Eryngium in my purple garden, and there you have a photo of it. I think it's a sign! We go to HCP a lot when we're in London--a favorite of the in laws. Finally something I've seen! ;)

  12. Purple for me too! Yellow and orange is for fall, I say.
    Love the bugs. :)


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