Saturday, June 15, 2013

Trooping the Colour

We left for Buckingham Palace at 7:30am this morning.  We arrived early enough so that we were able to stand in the front row just to the right of the Victoria Memorial facing the palace.
Our mission: The Trooping of the Colour

The program began promptly at 10:00am with the bands processing in front of us and then down the Mall to the Horse Guards Parade. The blue plume signifies Irish Guards. 
Red plumes and buttons in sets of two set on the uniforms of the Coldstream Guards.

There were so many handsome horses.

As Prince Phillip is still in hospital, Queen Elizabeth was joined in the Glass Coach by her cousin the Duke of Kent.

One carriage carried Prince Harry, the Duchess of Cornwall, and the Duchess of Cambridge.  Prince Edward, the Countess of Wessex and Lady Louise were in another carriage.  A third carriage held the Duke of York and his daughters, Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice.

The Metropolitan Police were ever-present.  This officer stood guard near us and we were able to chat with her during the 'down times' between activities.

I thought the police looked very smart in their No. 1 Dress Uniforms complete with white cotton gloves.

The troops and Royal family gathered at Horse Guards Parade for a lengthy review complete with complicated military march formations and band music. 

They then returned up the Mall to Buckingham Palace.

Could you ride a horse and carry, much less play a tuba at the same time?

Two large Shires provided substantial mounts for the drummers. 

Her Majesty returned ...

...and with the Duke of Kent reviewed the troops a final time.

She even smiled a time or two!

The extended Royal Family watched from the balcony. 

Other than the lamp post on the left, I had an unobstructed view.

You probably recognize most everyone in this photo.

The Duchess of Cambridge wore a wonderful soft pink outfit.
Was that a subtle hint as to the sex of the baby-to-be?  

Princess Ann, the Prince of Wales, and the Duke of Cambridge were not on the balcony.  They all rode horses near the Queen's coach and took part in the Trooping.

After the final review, the Queen entered Buckingham Palace.  We listened to a 41 gun salute as it boomed out from Green Park.  Then moments before 1:00pm, the Queen and members of the immediate Royal Family came out on the balcony.

Prince Harry and Prince William appeared to keep the Duchess of Cambridge entertained.

Prince Edward's young son, Viscount Severn appeared in the company of his parents and sister. 
I think everyone young and old enjoyed the military flyover!

I know I certainly did.

The flyover began with helicopters, and had Typhoons, Tornadoes, a C-17 Globemaster.

It ended with the colourful contrails of the Red Arrows.

The Queen waved good-bye, and thus ended the 2013 Trooping of the Colours.
Within 30 minutes the skies had darkened and the rain poured down.
It must be good to be the Queen!


  1. When I watched it on television I said to my husband "I wonder if Beth is there". It's quite the spectacle - I love those Shire horses, they are very impressive.

  2. Oh my gosh Beth. What a wonderful once in a lifetime event to see in person. Thank you so much for the wonderful pictures.


  3. How exciting to see this event in person! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh wow, so fantastic!! What a great view you had too! I find it so funny how the Dutchess of Cambridge always holds her purse in front of her like that. I bet it's just so everyone cannot complain that they can't see her baby bump. lol! Thanks for sharing -- what a special day!

  5. Nobody is better than the Brits when it comes to a good military show - glad you got the great spot.

  6. Margaret--I don't think that's a pose owned by the Duchess of Cambridge!

    Anyway, it must be good to be the queen! Fabulous trip you're sharing with us!

  7. Wow... Great pictures! It must have been something to be there in person. You are having one great adventure!

  8. How wonderful! Great spot you were in! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Quiet an experience. Kate looks so pretty in pink. The guy carrying the tuba on the horse is impressive

  10. This was so exciting and absolutely wonderful photos. You could easily see everyone. Thanks again for sharing this trip!!

  11. Where do I begin? When I saw your heading photos I couldn't believe it. Beth I love the Royal family, have ever since Lady Diana dated Prince Charles. You took better photos than ones that appear in magazines. LOVED THEM! I got so excited when I saw the first photo of the Queen sitting in the carriage. Then I couldn't believe how close you were when I saw the one of her getting out of the carriage. And from there the pics got better and better. I tell you I am on such a high. You did BEAUTIFUL. What type of camera do you have? I am going back to look now for my 4th time at the photos. love Annette

  12. When I was watching this wonderful British event on TV yesterday I was so hoping you were somewhere in the crowds enjoying it all - and I am so pleased that you were there and had such a great time Beth. Fabulous photos, and you are gathering more and more wonderful memories to take back to the US.
    Have a good Sunday! x

  13. Wow, what amazing pics! Thank you for sharing such an amazing experience, I really enjoyed your pics and youe telling of it. Fabulous, thank you!!

  14. So glad you for you and your mother. Thank you for sharing Beth.

  15. Why does Andrew look so grumpy ?....Great photos nothing like it in the world, horses hoofs coming down the Mall. Glad you and Mom got to see Trooping of the Colours.. ( look I spelled it the English way).

  16. Oh my goodness, what a treat! I can't believe what a great spot you had. AMAZING shots all around. I just adore the large Shire horse.

  17. Thank you for all of these great photos :) You seem to have had a great spot for the event. I'm glad your day stayed nice and dry for you all!

  18. What an awesome experience! Plus to get to see the royals all together with an unobstructed view...priceless! Thanks for sharing.

  19. Wow--that was fantastic, Beth! Thank you for sharing all your wonderful photos of this event! I loved the horses especially :)

  20. Fabulous!! What a wonderful event.

  21. Fantastic photos! I can't wait to show these to my Dad tomorrow - Mr. Royal Family Wannabe!


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