Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Thames - Westminster Pier to Hampton Court

  Our plan today was to take a Thames River cruise from Westminster Pier to Hampton Court.

First though we popped into Waterloo Station and what did we see?
Lots of folks all dressed up waiting to take the trains to Royal Ascot!

We got on the boat at Westminster Pier across from the London Eye.

There is lots to see along the river - much of it old.

There are several handsome bridges which span the Thames.

I had no idea that there would be so much water traffic too.
Both professional craft and pleasure craft.

There are also some very modern buildings that front the Thames.

I prefer buildings with character.

Love this little pink gem.

This butter cream home is adorable too.

How to chose, how to chose?

Another surprise - all the water fowl.  That's a sign of a healthy, vibrant waterway.
The journey ended at Hampton Court.

We had about 30 minutes to explore before we had to return to the boat.

Just enough time to decide that we must come back.

We peaked in at a rose garden.

The roses were in prime form and smelled divine.

A rather grey day, but no rain.  It was interesting to follow the Thames River today and see all the people, and birds, and boats, and buildings that are tied to its use.


  1. I love that the ladies actually wear hats and fascinators there. Beautiful roses!

  2. How could they give you only 30 mins for Hampton Court, ack! Lovely pics of the cruise - London has been very built up since I last went along the river.

  3. What a wonderful lively river front!! I could live in that Butter Cream house.

  4. You've certainly caught a lot of the sights - I love that you saw all the ladies dressed and ready for Ascot. I had forgotten it was that time of year already. I always associate it with upcoming Wimbledon. The roses look gorgeous.

  5. I've always wanted to see the houses along the Thames river. I had read in books about the balls held at Hampton Court during Queen Elizabeth's (especially her younger years as Queen). The river boats held many beautiful Lady's and Lord's all dressed for the ball. How lovely. I bet inside Hampton Court would be incredible. Beautiful post. love Annette

  6. I love the river cruise, did it last a couple of years ago, are you going on the London Eye, the views are fantastic, and it's a very smooth ride. I'm not good with heights but was glad I did the eye.

  7. Gorgeous!
    I love all the views from the water. Hampton Ct is just wonderful too.

  8. What fun seeing everyone dressed for Ascot, something you would never see here, men in tails waiting for the train......The cruise looked so nice, and the gardens.

  9. How very nice! And that pink house! Well, you know me! ha!

  10. Oh my gosh, so wonderful! I'm so glad you took this cruise! And Hampton Court! I'm glad you're going back. lol!

  11. What a lovely day on the river--so many different-looking buildings--I love the old ones the best!


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