Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Something for Everyone

After sleeping in a bit this morning, we headed off to the Musee d' Orsay.

Once upon a time France's collection of Impressionist paintings were in the small, hot stuffy Jeu de Paume.  The Musee d'Orsay is ever so much better.  The former train station is light and airy and lovely.
It is rather strangely put together with a ground floor, a second floor, and a fifth floor.

Photography of the statues and paintings is not allowed, so I can't show you my favorites from today.

But even the clocks and the ceiling tiles are worthy of a photograph or two.

And the view from the fifth floor across to Montmartre and the Sacré-Cœur Basilica is stunning.
Several of my Followers have contributed some great ideas about how we might spend our time in Paris.  While we can't fit in everything, today we we were able to visit La Croix et la Manière (36 Rue Faidherbe) as per the suggestion of Giovanna at Giovanna's Stitches.

This sweet little store is owned by designer Monique Lyonnet. 

Today she and her assistant were readying the store to celebrate the publication of her newest book "Grandes Lettres".
What a perfectly charming store!  Monique and her assistant were friendly and most attentive.  As you can see from the collage above, it was furnished with a most decerning eye - form and color and texture - all great eye candy.
I ended up purchasing four books, including two of Monique's.
Monique was gracious enough to inscribe her books for me.
All I can say is: What a delight!


  1. How fun! I'm loving seeing your trip to Paris.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this delightful holiday with us! I am truly enjoying your postings!

  3. What a lovely mix you fitted in today Beth. The view over Paris is so lovely.

  4. So great! Both the museum and the store! I had no idea that museum used to be a train station -- so cool! It's beautiful -- don't need to see the art, like you said. And the store. Sigh.....

  5. A wonderful store and museum. Bloggers are so helpful !

  6. Another lovely day. Have you had some amazing meals? I think that you have covered everything else.
    I think that your new header is so gorgeous!

  7. So pleased you liked the store - it's quite unique in style isn't it. Glad you liked the Orsay too - it's such a great museum.

  8. Impressionist painters are my absolute favorite. I probably would have stood there and cried. :)
    I am so enjoying your vacation.

  9. The clock on it's own is stunning so I can't imagine what you got to see inside.

  10. The clock and ceiling tiles are gorgeous, and what fun to find such a great stitchery shop--it all looks like so much fun!

  11. How thrilling that you get to see and share with us - some of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. So happy that Giovanna gave you a great stitching store to visit. It sure looks GREAT! love Annette

  12. I think it is wonderful the international connections you've made through your blog and all of the helpful suggestions fellow bloggers have made to ensure your trip will be so special, Beth! Wonderful to have two autographed books from Monique :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.