Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Kew - Part Two

Design - "A Bee C" (limited edition kit)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Linen - unknown - not indicated on kit
Fibers - GAST, WDW, & Crescent Colors - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 1 June 2013
Completed - 8 June 2013

A little cutie!

The amazing Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew are worthy of a second post.  So here it goes...
While Kew has lots and lots of  plants, it prides itself on its trees.

And there are some wonderfully large mature trees.

As you might expect, all those trees create a wonderful habitat for all kinds of birds.

Here's another photo of the Princess of Wales Greenhouse.  Very attractive landscaping outside.

And all kinds of wonderful plants inside: orchids, bromeliads, ferns, cactus, water lilies, and carnivorous plants.  

And here we are back at the Temperate Greenhouse.  Look at the size of those palms.  Two of them are potted up ready to move to their new digs  
Ha-ha gardening humor!

But look at everything that still needs to be moved.

This is the front of the Palm Greenhouse.  The statues all represent different branches of Queen Elizabeth II's family tree.  They are replicas, the originals were of plaster and lined the streets during her coronation 60 years ago.  

Here's a view inside the Palm Greenhouse.

I was taking with form and foliage as much as blossom.

This is supposed to be the Oldest Potted Plant in the World.
It is a Cycad and it arrived at Kew in 1775!

The small Japanese Garden at Kew was an oasis of tranquillity.

And Kew wins the award for Best Gift Shop Ever!

After the long day hiking about Kew, today we stuck closer to home.

We spent a couple of hours at Foyles one of London's large independent book stores.

We then went to Hatchard's - another large book store.  Along the way we window shopped the posh stores in the Burlington Arcade and popped in to look at tea and chocolates at Fortnum and Mason.

Luggage, jewelry, confections, shoes, cashmere sweaters.
Lots of shops had the right to display one or more Royal Warrents.


  1. My favorite pictures are the statues and the oldest potted plant. =)

  2. Neat little stitch Beth, very cute. I like your bird collage - very clever. The oldest plant looks fascinating.

  3. Sweet stitches and very lovely pictures x

  4. I have been so enjoying your blog updates - such a fabulous trip with so many places to visit! Gardens, museums, shops in 2 countries :)
    Thank you SO much for sharing this with all of us.

  5. Your latest finish is so cute, Beth--amazed that you find the time to stitch on your busy trip! Lovely gardens and that oldest potted plant in the world is fascinating. I'll bet the gardener who lets it die under his watch will be banished from England :)

  6. BIG congrats on the finish--amazing that you found time to stitch even! I am caught up on your posts now, but only commenting here... Have 110 more to read!! I love the Chihuly piece--imagine how long it too to make that! And I gotta ask--how long were you two planning this trip? You have such an agenda--something to see each day! Very Very organized! Hugs!

  7. Oh wow wow wow! Fantastic! Can you imagine -- the oldest potted plant? So cool! Love seeing the window shopping too! And I hadn't noticed your header before -- great stuff!

  8. What can be better than gardens, books , and a bit of shopping!! what a great day!!

  9. Such a beautiful place to visit. I can't imagine how many dedicated employees it takes to care for all those plants and keep it in tip-top shape. I've just loved all the pictures.

  10. Congrats on your darling finish. I am so impressed that you are able to stitch after all the walking and photos. Loved the ferns and the gardener humor pun:) WOW I never seen the oldest potted plant before. I can't wait to tell my Nannie. I will show her this photo too. And to end another fabulous day with chocolate...perfect. love Annette

  11. I love the variety of birds and palms, and those statues are amazing!

  12. We visited Kew last time we were in London, and the azaleas were in bloom! It was amazing...there were bushes that were twice as tall as I am...I was walking through a "canyon" of azaleas. You are really making me want to go back this time, but we aren't going to have as much time in London as you!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.