Monday, June 10, 2013

Here and There (Back at the Ranch)

Yes, I've managed a stitch or two...though not often and not for long...

Today we went to the London Transport Museum near Covent Garden.

The museum is housed in the old Covent Garden Flower Market building.
Today it was filled with the chatter of hundreds of young school children.

It's the 150th Anniversary of the Underground and the museum had an exhibit of 150 of its best posters.

I loved walking about and looking at all the different styles. 

I remember the "Fly the Tube" on the right from a trip here in 1979.

This poster was prominently displayed in May of this year.

I think there were more posters advertising the delights of the London Zoo than anything else.

I ended up purchasing this set of four.  As you know I am All About Birds!

After watching some street performers, we had a late lunch at The White Lion.

I've neglected my critters both here and back at home.
Here's a short update.

This is my newest London bird sighting.  A Grey Wagtail.  
He is pretty coming...

...and going.

I spied this wee mouse scurrying along the edge of Covent Garden today.

While back at home...
My sister emailed me this photo of a doe and her new fawns on the 3rd of June.  She thought the fawns to be less than 24 hours old.

And at the end of the month my Dad downloaded the Trail Camera photos for May.  This photo of a Bobcat was the most exciting of the bunch.


  1. I find the posters to be very interesting.

  2. A neat new design, it's a good one for doing whilst away. The fawns are gorgeous, I hope the bobcat doesn't cross their paths.

  3. Hi Beth. I haven't been commenting, but oh how I am enjoying your pictures each day. It looks like your having such a wonderful time. A trip only I can dream about or see through your camera. Have to ask - is that a real person in gold sitting on nothing.


  4. We went to the Transport Museum a couple of years ago. I'm pretty sure it's "filled with the chatter of hundreds of young school children" every day! The boys loved pretending to drive the buses and trains. You pretended to drive the bus, right? I mean double decker, come on! ;)

  5. Sweet stitching! And great pics of London again - well done on catching the mouse, they scurry along pretty fast...

  6. Pretty new project you stitching. Great poster's. I will show my son as he's a graphic designer major. How sweet you got to see a British mouse, I can hear his accent:) Sending you well wishes. love Annette

  7. Oh I love that stitching project! Is it Shepherd's Bush? What fun at the Transport Museum! I love all the posters. Love the set you got -- very nice! Now why did I already know about the 150th anniversary? I can't remember. lol!

  8. Love the sights of your trail camera.Another very interesting day!!!

  9. Fabulous looking museum.
    I love all the poster art. I think that the set you bought is fabulous. I love those birds.

  10. Ok, I give - how is the gold guy doing that? I feel like the answer is just out of reach and will seem obvious after the fact. lol

    Twins again! Awesome. :)

  11. Are you missing home at all? We just spotted two new fawns in our yard this week. I heard them bleating last week and new something was up!

    Looks like a great museum and I love that gold street performer!

  12. Love you L*K finish! Wasn't it a fun stitch? I really enjoyed stitching that one.

    Thanks for sharing more pics of your trip -- and the ones from home too.

  13. The wagtail is quite a charmer, and the poster art is neat, too.


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