Thursday, May 23, 2013


I thought I'd share my last purchase before leaving home.  The two newest Cottage Garden Sampling charts for May and June, and a Homespun Elegance bee skep.  I have to give a shout out to Beach Cottage Stitchers.  Cyndi went above and beyond to make sure I got the charts before I left on my trip.
Some days, though long and maybe even a bit hectic, are nonetheless sublime.  This was one of those days.

Mom and I started out bright and early...

...and headed for the Royal Hospital and the Chelsea Flower Show.

A few of the Chelsea Pensioners were there to greet folks as they arrive.
The show is huge.  Spread over eleven acres there are vendors, nurseries, Show Gardens large and small.  You name it, and if it is floral in nature, it was at the show.

For this post I thought I share some of the large Show Gardens.
This is M & G Centenary Garden.  

The Arthritis Research UK Garden had a very interesting sculpture at the end of the walk.

The SeeAbility Garden was shaped like a retina.

Stoke on Trent's Story of Transformation garden had a neat faux pottery kiln in the center.

Smaller garden competed in an area called Fresh.  This garden was called the BrandAlley Garden. 

The Mindfulness Garden was one of my favorites   Can you tell that you are looking through a tunnel to the sculpture?  

This garden is called the Forget-me-not Garden and is sponsored by Prince Harry's charity Sentebale.  Harry came to a Chelsea Garden preview with his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth. 

I liked the faux London skyline that was part of Blue Water Roof Garden.

Some of the gardens were quite austere like the Laurent-Perrier Garden.

The East Village Garden was one I could see translating to my own personal garden.

The As Nature Intended Garden made a very different statement.

The Rush of Nature Garden was for sale by silent auction.  It is a knole of grasses and vibrant flowers...

...and topped with this amazing sculpture.
So many wonderful gardens and plants, and textures, and scents...sublime.

We ended the day at St. Paul's Cathedral listening to the English Chamber Orchastra play Beethoven's "Symphony No. 9".  That too was sublime.  The setting in the cathedral, the wonderful musicians and vocalists.  Transcendent.  


  1. I so enjoyed seeing the various gardens today - my favourite has to be the Rush of Nature garden - it just jumps off the screen in my opinion. It's such a special year for the Flower Show - it's amazing to think that it's been going for 100 years now. I know a few people who have been down this week too - my husband's boss was there on Tuesday.

  2. It really sounds sublime. I love that Rush of Nature garden. Gorgeous!

  3. You must have been in your glory! Beautiful! I've only been to the second largest flower show...

  4. What an amazing day!! I would love to see the Chelsea Flower show. Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos!

  5. Looks like you are having a lovely trip! Beautiful flowers!

  6. So much fun..I love it
    Lovely flowers
    Love and hugs x

  7. What a fabulous day! Love the new stash too.

  8. Beautiful flower pictures - now that's a place I've never been to in London :-)

  9. The day sounds like it was amazing and right up my alley!! The photos of the flowers are so beautiful! Love those charts too!!

  10. What a lovely end to your trip--flowers and music! I loved all the flower show pictures--glad you got to see it--it all looks gorgeous. I loved the round sculpture in the Mindfulness garden, and the beautiful and huge flower sculpture in the last garden depicted. Have a great trip home!

  11. What a perfect place for you and your mom to visit, Beth. I so enjoyed your lovely photos today!


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