Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May is Busting Out All Over

Many thanks the Stitching Angel who provided me with the info I needed to continue stitching... 

The garden theme continues on as it is time for the Tuesday Garden Party.   

Parvati is my Pest Control Manager.  She did not know what to make of this big old Leopard Slug.

My Crested Iris have begun to bloom.

I think I have the Front Porch ready for the Growing Season.

This Clematis stands guard near the front door. 

A new Bleeding Heart with crimson stems.

Another Bleeding Heart in day glow foliage!

Here's a close up.

My Jack-in-the Pulpit is blooming!

Padma-Cat is another of my Garden Helpers.

I have a Salvia blooming already! 
It's Salvia africana-lutea 'Brown Sage'.

A gardener's work is never done!


  1. Your garden helpers are never far away. I'm not so sure I would like the slug visiting - our dog would most likely eat it and then be unwell. At least cats are a bit fussier. (Having said that our last little lady once ate a small snail - she was promptly sick but had great trouble ejecting the shell).

  2. Ahh yes, a gardeners work is never done! Your clemetis is beautiful! That slug is scary.

    Hope 2013 is going to be a great gardening year

  3. Sweet stitching and photos x

  4. Pretty, pretty! That slug is horrid though.

  5. Lovely lovely garden! Love your helpers too!

  6. So glad you found help with getting the color key for the piece, Beth! It is too pretty to not finish it :)

    Oh, my, that slug is GIANT!! We only have teeny ones here and they are bad enough!! Your front porch looks so pretty... Is the fencing to keep out the deer?

  7. It's a good thing Parvati is there to take care of that slug cuz I sure wouldn't know what to do with it! I'm pretty sure I've never found anything like that around here.

    Your stitching is beautiful and all the flowers are lovely. My Bleeding Heart is in bloom right now too. One day it was just foliage and the next hundreds of blooms are hanging off the stems.

  8. Love your garden helpers. :)

  9. Gorgeous photos but I especially love that one of Parvati and the slug! O my! You've captured that intense focus those hunting kitties can have!

  10. WOW I've never seen a slug that size!! holy cow!!

  11. May is lovly at your home, as the cats seem to realize.

  12. Okay, that is the slug that ate Miami, and I would have the same expression Parvati has on her face if I came across one so big! Your containers are looking beautiful--I am hardening off my flower starts now, and hope to start planting containers and baskets this weekend--looking forward to it! Good plant sales the next two weekends here, so I'll see what new treasures I'll discover there. I know I want a salvia guaranitica, which I've had before but it died out, to go with my Fujimusume clematis, and I want something pretty to go in the containers on top of the blue columns. Other than that, I'm open to ideas!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.