Tuesday, May 21, 2013

If You Seek His Monument, Look Around You

Design - "Bee Skep"
Chart - "June"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 15 May 2013
Completed - 20 May 2013
Ta-da!  I think I ended up stitching this little skep twice to complete it once.  The frogs followed me across the pond to England. 
Can you tell how we spent today?
Here's another hint.
You guessed it, we visited St. Paul's Cathedral.
The detail is extraordinary both inside and out.

Built in 1669 after the Great Fire of London in 1666 destroyed the previous cathedral, it is considered Christopher Wren's finest work.
All these centuries later, it still dominates the skyline nearby.

I'm not able to share photos of the remarkable interior as photography is not permitted inside the church.
There were police on horseback working the area near St. Paul's.
After visiting St. Paul's, we walked across the Millennium Bridge to the Tate Modern.  The art museum is famous for the revolving large installation in the former turbine hall.  I was crushed to find that the room was closed - under construction.

I think this is the most clever street performer I have ever seen!

Certainly all the school children gathered around thought so.
As we heading back to the tube station, we stumbled upon a Paul bakery.  It was such an easy decision to buy a take-away lunch. Paul is in the US as well at Britain, here's a link.  


  1. Aww truly so much fun..I love it so much again :)
    Ohh that performance of that man is do clever ..
    Love and hugs x

  2. Such an amazing Church! Sorry to hear the frogs went with you!

  3. I should go back there again, I can hardly remember anything about it - except that it was beautiful. The Bee Skep is adorable. The frogs, not so much...

  4. So cool, so cool!!!! I'm loving your trip. lol! I don't think there's a Paul around us. Off to check the website.

  5. Lovely day. Were you able to go up to the top of ST. Pauls? Did you see the beautiful angels inside? I love takeaway meals..brie and watercress sandwiches..yum!

  6. Looks like you're having a wonderful trip! London is just an amazing city.

  7. ooOoo! St. Paul's Cathedral is spectacular.
    What a clever street performer. ;)

  8. I love the beautiful bird and fruit detailing on the cathedral, and the horses! Street entertainers--some of the best!

  9. Love the fact that you're still managing to stitch while on your trip. I think that is one of the best things about our hobby--its portability!

    Really enjoying the trip so far, Beth!


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