Sunday, May 19, 2013

Columbia Road Flower Market

This morning my Mom and I decided to visit the famous Columbia Road Shops and Flower Market. 
The market runs each Saturday from 8am until about 3pm.

The vendors' displays were amazing, as were the prices!
Orchids for £5, Lewisia for £2, Conifers for £1.50.
Much better than I could ever get back home.
I understand that if you arrive from 1pm on, the vendors will really deal, as they want to get rid of the merchandise rather than transport it again.

Dahlias for sale - four for £5 (about $7.60).

Tomato plants

A store called Open House had great garden supplies.  My very favorite were the Pantone pots on the top shelf on the left. 
I also liked these.
The market had everything floral for sale:
Alpines, cacti, bedding plants, conifers, orchids, and citrus trees.
As the morning progressed, Columbia Street became jammed with prospective buyers and the cries of the buskers.
Garden in an urban area using public transportation has many challenges including getting the items back home. Here's a lemon tree headed to its new abode.
And yes, a new bird today.
This is a male Gray Wagtail.


  1. It's looking a very sweet place..full of sweetness
    Cutie bird ..
    Big hugs x

  2. We used to get a lot of wagtails here but recently I've hardly seen any. For a while we had a pied wagtail that visited all the time.

  3. What a beautiful assortment! It must be hard to resist buying plants.

  4. Wow, so nice! I bet it was hard not to buy things to take home!

  5. What a wonderful market!! I would just love seeing all those flowers!I hope you have a wonderful week!

  6. I am enjoying this trip with you! You are seeing such wonderful things.

  7. Thank you for sharing your great pictures.

  8. What a beautiful flower market, and the grey wagtail!

  9. So fun! I could spend days just walking around markets.

  10. It must have so hard not to buy everything up! Those pots are super pretty in particular.


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