Monday, April 15, 2013

The Cats Have Spoken (Loudly)

Another vote, another victory for the Cat Crew.
I've added the two charts to my April To Do List.

The cats have observed several interesting birds of late.

I go back and forth, is this a House Finch or a Purple Finch?
I'm semi-convinced that this is a Purple Finch.

Here he all stretched out singing up a storm.

Speaking of finches, here's a pair of Lesser Goldfinches.

My Gold-crowned Sparrows don't often hold still for a photo. 

Look who returned after a couple of week's hiatus!

Mr. Evening Grosbeak showed up on Friday the 12th... did a couple of Goldfinches! 
This is 10 days earlier than last year.
As you can see they are still changing into their Spring suits.  The guy of the right is pretty mottled looking yet.

Here's a close up look.

He's kinda' patchy looking yet.

This poor guy hung about all day Sunday.  I've decided he is an albino Goldfinch.  I would expect it very difficult for him to attract a mate without the correct color plumage.


  1. Yay for cats! I love those two designs. I looove that first finch! His colors are amazing!

  2. Aww, I feel sorry for the last little birdie. I go back and forth with the House Finch and Purple Finch identifications too.
    Those are great cat charts. I always wish a designer would be obsessed with poodle like I am! ;)

  3. Love the albino....poor thing. We call them purple house finches so we are never wrong over here.

  4. I like your choice of charts, can't go wrong with cats in my opinion. The pinkish red on the finch is such a bonnie colour - I'm enjoying the crispness your bird photos with your new camera. I've never seen an albino bird before.

  5. Nice cat additions! And lovely bird pictures.

  6. That poor little albino! I think you are right about the purple finch. I have seen literally hundreds of house finches in my time and that little bird looks different from them. I even quit feeding birds in Louisville because the house finches would sit at the feeder and eat till all the seeds were gone!

  7. lovely birds - I like the white one!!

  8. Lovely stitching choices. Those cats have great taste.
    Love the pics too.

  9. Great choices for new stitching. At first, I thought it was a House Finch too, but the second pic looks nothing like the House Finch I have hanging around here. Love all the other bird pics too.

    Aww, I feel bad for the little white bird.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.