Friday, April 19, 2013

Needlework Show and Bird Show

Oh I know, I just got a few designs.  But now The Needlework Show is on.  Cottage Garden Sampling has new charts in the series I'm stitching for both May and June.  There are lots of designers represented in the show.  Here's a link if you want to browse.

Wednesday morning I was industriously working away on the Front Porch - cleaning, sweeping, getting it ready for all the plants that will live there from April through October.  In the background I was aware of a bird calling and calling, but so many times when I take the time to "spot the bird" it's a Flicker nattering away.  
But on Wednesday morning, when I finally decided to look, it wasn't a Flicker!

Instead there were two Pileated Woodpeckers conversing to one another as they had breakfast.

One of them flew on in to a stump straight across from the Front Porch. 


If you look closely at his beak and throat you can see he is 'talking'. 

And yes, he got closer still flying to another stump.

I couldn't believe my good luck!
I went inside to share the photos with my family.

And when I came back outside he was perched atop the leader of a young Douglas Fir tree.

A truly magnificent big bird!
Didn't my new camera do a great job with the zoom lens?  


  1. Awesome photos! I so enjoy your blog every day. Thanks so much for sharing with all of us!

  2. Wow! Such great pictures! He's so pretty!

  3. I just love that "red top" . Thanks for the link, I'm going to take a look.

  4. Beth, those are amazing pictures of a beautiful bird!

  5. Beautiful! I'm amazed that you had your camera with you while you were working on the front porch.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.