Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Green and Growing

I've finally begun stitching on "Botanical Samples" by Chessie N' Me.  I have been attacked by frogs several times already.  I wanted to stitch the design with respect to the Gingham squares, and after stitching a couple of letters, I found I was off by one thread.  I think I'm on course now.

Speaking of botanical samples let's take a walk and see what we might find...  
In the Large Specimen category, the winner is the glowing green Cottonwood!

Second place is award to the Big Leaf Maple. 

Third place goes to this hedgerow of small trees and shrubs.

In the Mixed Wildflowers category, third place goes to this meadow of Camas and Buttercups.

Second place honors go to this group of Fawn Lilies and Shooting Stars.

First place, with special dispensation, is awarded to this mix of Muscari and Fawn Lilies.

The Grand Prize winner for Mass Planting is the carpet of Fawn Lilies.

Honorable Mention is awarded to this small drift of Sweet Woodruff. 

Best in Show is awarded to this pinkish-lavender sport of a Trillium.

Unassumingly charming, these Stream Violets take First place.

A double blossom Fawn Lily is worthy of Honorable Mention.

I thought we'd end today's walk with a sample from my maternal Grandfather's Botany Notebook.  He pressed this Lamb's Tongue (Fawn Lily) in May of 1928 - his junior year of high school. 

I think the detail and language of the Plant Description notes read like something from an upper division university class! 


  1. I've never seen fawn lilies before, they're very pretty. Is this where you have inherited your love of nature?

  2. It looks like you have your love of gardening in your genes! Great photos. I love the beautiful greens of spring. Hope the frogs stay away!!(not the real ones of course)

  3. The botanical sampler will be just lovely on that linen. How wonderful to see all that green in your pictures... thanks for sharing.

  4. Your photos are just too beautiful! I love flowers, especially the unusual and woodland ones. It seems you have a greater variety than I do around my home. Love your stitching, also! Keep up the great work!

  5. I just love seeing all the green and flowers! Your stitching is keeping with the green theme -- as (unfortunately) were the frogs.

  6. i love stitching on gingham fabric its so much fun, although as you mentioned it can be a problem trying to line things up just right.


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