Monday, April 22, 2013

Cats and Birds

Well, I've kitted up The Goode Huswife's "Chester".  Tom-Cat (orange tiger) and Solomon (brick tiger) were quite adamant that this would be my next project.   

I've mentioned that the Violet-green Swallows are house-hunting.  What I've failed to mention is depth and breadth of the housing available to them.  We put up two more bird houses last weekend, and now have a range of nine domiciles from which they can chose.  Surely there is something for everyone!

The small Downy Woodpecker is not the least interested in any housing I might provide.  The last couple of mornings he has been pounding away high up in a Big Leaf Maple.

The Lesser Goldfinches now number two pair! 

Here's a good case study of the yellow finches.
The top tier has a female and male Lesser Goldfinch.
The bottom tier has two male (Greater?) Goldfinches!


  1. What a lovely photo with the finches, their colours are so Spring like.

  2. I don't always comment but I do so adore your fabulous photos.

  3. Oh my gosh, what great houses you have for the birdies!

  4. I can see why they want you to stitch it ... awwww all those lovely wee houses ....
    scrolled down and had a peep at your other posts .... lovely shots of the woodpecker ... your zoom is fab isn't it :)
    hope all is well your side of the pond and spring has finally arrived at the mouse house :) love mouse xxxxx

  5. Chester is so cute, Beth--hadn't seen that chart before and I'm sure you'll enjoy stitching it! Lesser Goldfinches? I wonder if the poor things have an inferiority complex with a name like that :)

  6. Chester is going to be great fun to see - enjoy.

  7. Chester looks like a fun stitch! Great bird houses!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.