Friday, April 12, 2013

Blossoms and Birds

I'm stitching this literally 'blossom by blossom'!  Then on to the stalks and leaves.

My new camera allows me to 'zoom' farther with greater clarity.  See the Red Headed Sapsucker.  He loves the metal roof on this birdhouse.

A Steller's Jay awaiting breakfast.

The Violet-green Swallows house-hunt each morning.

I think this Robins looks as though he's just asked a question.

My pair of Lesser Goldfinches were back at the feeder.
No sign of American Goldfinches - last year they returned on the 22nd.


  1. sweetttttttttttttttttttttt..
    have a lovely weekend dear x

  2. Nice progress on the blossoms. And gorgeous bird pictures as always :-) Have a great weekend.

  3. I'm enjoying your new camera's capabilites. And I'm also enjoying this garden series. Great stuff!

  4. Beautiful pic Beth as always! Lovely stitching too of course :) Have a fabulous weekend x

  5. I like the quizzical robin and the others too - your new camera is doing a good job.

  6. Lovely stitching! Looks like you're having fun with the new camera too. Such pretty birds.

  7. Absolutely great photos with your camera. The birds photos are amazing!


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