Thursday, March 21, 2013

Today and One Year Ago

Here's my progress on "February's Primrose".  The flowers are quite lovely.  Now to stitch the sentiment.  "March's Daffodil" arrived in the mail, but I find I need to order the fabric.

One year ago today March's Daffodils were buried under 8" of snow.

It's hard to believe that a year ago I woke up to this landscape.  It is highly unusual to have a snow this late in Winter.  It was probably a once-in-a-lifetime event. 

This week we've had a mix of sunny and gray days.
One afternoon as the cats and I sat on the Back Patio watching the world, a Sharp-shined Hawk suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

He struck at a little Junco and the feathers flew.
I was sure the bird was dinner, but amazingly it escaped and was able to fly away.

Ala Marjolien Bastin, I decided to collect a few of the feathers - Tom-Cat helped me. There were black feathers, black and white feathers, and white feathers.

My neighbors have a Hummingbird feeder just outside their front window.  Here's a Rufous at the feeder. 

We now have three Turkey Vultures hanging around.  I can see this snag from the window of the Craft Room as I sit at my computer.

This was an Equal Opportunity Tree.  Three Vultures and two Hummingbirds.  Can you find the Hummers? 

The Evening Grosbeaks have been AWOL for a couple of weeks.  I was glad to see three guys and a gal at the Big Birdfeeder. 


  1. One year ago, we had sun and 85F temps and were camping! Yesterday was 20F with super strong winds bringing the windchill to 0F. Another big snow headed our way Sunday into Monday.

  2. Great progress on the stitching project. I love the colors you are using and look forward to seeing more progress on it.

  3. Love the stitching! And yes what a difference a year makes. In my neck of the woods last year it was 80 at this time. This year it is mid 30, cold and snow is in the forecast. Brrr.... I'll just have to hunker down inside and stitch!

  4. Your stitching is beautiful. I'm not even sure who the designer is on that one?? Glad the bird made its escape -- whew! Cute hummingbird!

  5. Love all the pictures of the birds. I saw a red-tailed hawk swoop down on something (!) this morning and then saw him later in the afternoon perched over the same spot just watching... kind of makes me think he found a nest of something tasty...

  6. We are like the kingdom of Turkey Vultures here in good old Bloomington IN....I think its because we live in the limestone capitol of the USA and there are all kinds of craggy places for them to thrive? I don't know...all I know is they are always EVERYWHERE and I don't like them at all :(

  7. Our weather has flip-flopped, too, Beth--but in the opposite way from yours... Last year, our first day of spring was 71 degrees. This year it was 20 and snowy...

    Lovely, lovely WIP!!

  8. Ugh! I know that is the way God made the world, with this animal preying on that one, just doesn't make me happy! Glad there was not anything more than those few feathers! Am loving the February Primroses... just beautiful! Hugs!


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