Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Return of the Swallows and Daffodils

Well, I've kitted up Cottage Garden Sampling's "March's Daffodil" and have begun to stitch it.  This design has the most complex border yet.  Good fun! 

We've had some gray, drizzly days of late.  Days like this are made for Cat Nap Afternoons.

One of my favorite signs of Spring is the return of the Violet-green Swallows.  They are amazing fliers.  Their Summer breeding ground stretches along the west coast from Alaska to northern Mexico.  In mid-October they migrate south to Mexico and Central America.  Think of the stories these small birds could tell. 

Our Violet-green Swallows return in mid-March.  Though they will not nest for several weeks yet, they do check out the local real estate. 

And they are already "paired up" when they arrive.

They never, ever land on the ground, or the bird feeders.  They do, however, like to perch along the eaves of the roof. 

There they groom and watch out over their intended home.

Thus far I've seen six or eight of the birds intermittently.

Later in the Spring they will begin nest building in the many bird houses we have hanging around the house and shop.  

For now though, they are "Just Looking".


  1. Those swallows are some magnificently colored little guys (and gals)! I love the design you've chosen; that border does look like fun.

  2. Your latest WIP looks like it will be wonderful to stitch with all those lovely spring colors, Beth! Oh, the kitties look so cozy in your pretty blue and white bedroom :)

  3. Sweet wip and lovely feathered friends x

  4. I'm loving this monthly project -- so pretty! And I love how I'm always learning about birds from you. You know so much!

  5. I love spring and the birds getting ready for nesting.

    Enjoying seeing your excitement over the SAL and these patterns. I'm kitting my March up this weekend. YEA!

  6. What a great little birdie! Shopping for real estate--and you have just the places for them! You are so knowledgeable--I always smile at your posts. Today I was watching robins in the neighbors yard, hoping to see the white-headed one, but I did not. Maybe another day... Hope so. Have a Happy Easter Beth! Hugs!

  7. What a very cute stitch! I will start looking for the swallows.


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