Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Violets

I thought I'd show off "V is for Violets" without the JABC buttons...

...and with the JABC buttons

Design - "V is for Violet" (Baubles)
Designer - SamSarah Design Studio
Fabric - 28 count Newport Red/Natural Zweigart linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW -2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 11 March 2013
Completed - 14 March 2013

Great colors for this - Hyacinth, Red Plum, and Periwinkle.  I really admire Patti's attention to detail in the design with the lines in the throat of the flower.

And here's proof that this was a totally seasonal stitch.

Just outside the Dahlia Garden Gate, the grasses are blanketed with violets.
See the orange detail in the throat of the violets... 

It must be Spring as Jami is once again hosting the Tuesday Garden Party over at An Oregon Cottage.
Hop on over and take a look.

Mid-March in western Oregon - there are daffodils...

...and Lamb's Tongues (erythronium).  I have this protected with a cage to stop the deer from nibbling. 

More daffs

This cheery pot of tulips and crocus is just coming into its own.

The daphne has just begun to bloom and already the entire Front Porch area is saturated with its scent. 

These daffodils are to the right of the Front Porch.

The goat continues to look longingly at these daffodils, but thus far he's refrained from nibbling.

I planted these pansies in October and placed them in a south facing nook.  They've held up very well all winter.

Isn't this Belarina primrose just luscious?

Front Porch color

A sweet primrose (so far the deer have ignored the primroses).

I like this blue/purple primrose.

I'm not taking any chances with deer with this trillium - it too is protected with a cage.  I think it's going to be stunning when it blooms.

The deer nibbled on the leaves of the muscari, fortunately early enough not to damage the bloom stalks.

We have a small group of muscari naturalizing at the edge of a group of young Douglas Fir and pine.  Thus far the deer have not found them. 

I've had this primrose for three years now.  It is ginormous now - probably 10" across and almost solid yellow with blooms.

For all of you still feeling the effects of March Winter storms, I hope this Spring Floral Tour has brightened your day.


  1. Great stitching & lovely flowers! Spring is in the air!

  2. Awww, man...I want flowers too! I've seen signs though so there's hope. I love the violets! Nice stitch.

  3. Congrats on finishing the violets, they're lovely!

  4. That is a very pretty piece; I like it with and without the buttons!

    Those primroses are to die for! I'd love to grow some, but I fear we are too hot here in GA.

  5. Oh, what fun to see one of my designs pop up! Lovely stitching.

    I am having serious garden envy! We too have trillium in our woods, but snow keeps falling here, so it will be a while before they show up! We only have a few jonquils blooming on the south side of the house, and tulips just poking through the ground. Thanks for sharing.

  6. congrats on the stitching, which is lovey. Primarily, however, I want to warn you that I'm coming directly to live in your garden. I don't want to frighten you or anything. Violets and daffodils? that's all I needed to see to know it was time I headed to your back gate.

  7. Lovely Violet finish!! Your garden is trumpeting the coming of Spring with all your lovely daffodils, primroses, pansies and crocuses!! It's such a perfect garden!

  8. The buttons definitely add something. Either way, it's adorable. Saw some pansies out for sale and seriously contemplated them, but then remembered my rule. Put nothing in until Mother's Day. Maybe because I'm outside to enjoy it more? Maybe because I'm too cheap to load up with annuals? Who can say?

  9. Just what I needed - some lovely colour. We're currently snowed under - it started in earnest last night and around five inches fell. It's supposed to be Spring and it's still snowing tonight. I especially like the combination of red tulips and purple crocuses.

  10. I love your JABC piece! So pretty! And boy, did I need this post. We just had more snow and ice today. Not even close to the springtime glories you're enjoying. Thanks for the breath of spring!

  11. The weather was 76 here on Saturday then 45 on Sunday. Today it got up to 63 and tomorrow it will bottom out at 43 with possible flurries on Thursday! Thank goodness for your cheery posts with all those colors and beauty! I've got SAD big time! Some of your plants bear researching... like them! Hugs!

  12. What a beautiful little stitch!! I so love your flowers. I have never seen such pretty primrose!

  13. Oooo, purple violets!! Stitched and real...I'm in heaven!

    Your garden looks lovely, and your stitching is gorgeous. (I love SamSarah stuff. I have the "W is for Wizard" pattern in my stash, and just need to find the linen!)

  14. This is one of my favorites finishes of yours, Beth--gotta love those blues and purples :) Amazing how many spring flowers are already in bloom there--it is still only 35 here today!!

  15. Beautiful--I've never seen Belarina primroses, and now I am lusting after them!

  16. Very cute!!
    Those teeny tiny bee buttons are ADORABLE too.


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