Saturday, March 23, 2013

Snoopy Does

Mornings continue to be cold and frosty.

Even the hawks ruffle their feathers against the cold.

Thursday morning this doe decided to check out the cats.
She walked right up on the Back Patio...

...and corralled Parvati under a white plastic chair.
Parvati did not take kindly to this intrusion.  She spat and hissed, but the doe did not seem to care.  Padma hunkered next to the kitchen door, hoping someone would let him inside away from the Big Monster. 
Score - Deer 1 Cats 0

By late afternoon temperatures are warmer and everyone comes out to enjoy the sunshine.

The Mourning Doves are most active in the early morning and the late afternoon.


  1. I know I have said it before...but I envy you this paradise. Deer on the patio, bunnies and quail....

  2. I look so forward to your blog and photos. Thank you

  3. The deer on the patio really made me smile - quite a turnaround.

  4. Wonderful nature pictures as usual!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.