Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mild March

I could not be more pleased.

Design - "January's Snowdrop"
Designer - Cottage Garden Samplings
Fabric - 32 count French Lace linen
Fibers - GAST, WDW, & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 6 March 2013
Completed - 12 March 2013

This is the first time I've stitched anything by Cottage Garden Samplings.  I must say my finished piece greatly resembles the photo on the chart - the colors are very true (which is not always the case).  The border bears mention again as it has several different elements and thus never got boring.  I really, really, really like the snowdrops too.  They use WDW 'Icicle'.  A warning:  The color dye lots vary greatly.  My first skein was very blue and I did not like it at all, the next skein I bought had just the slightest blue undertones - success!  

I'm in the process of kitting up "February's Primrose", and I've just received notification that the chart for "March's Daffodil" is on the way.

It's still a bit early for blooms in the Natural World - let's take a walk and see what is happening there.

In just a couple of weeks I think we'll begin to see the blooms of the Osoberry or Indian Plum (Osmaronia cerasiformis).  It is all leafed out and is unfurling it's long trailing blossoms.

We have two kinds of Trilliums on the property.  This is the Small Flowered Trillium (Trillium parviflorum).  There will be a pretty white flower atop the leaves within a month or so.

The Camas (Camassia quamash) is also coming up.  It will not show off its blue/purple flowers until May.

This is the small creek that runs down the hill across the road.  You can see the bright green leaves of the Osoberry shrubs draping over the water.

I think the Cow Parsnip (Heracleum maximum) leaf on the right is so cool.  You can almost see the latent energy that will unfurl the tightly clenched leaf.

Did I mention it is a lovely, mild March Day?  Well, it is.  No coat needed. 

Dorothy's Creek is still running fast and muddy from recent rains.

I've watched the catkins on the Hazelnut Brush (Filbert Betulaceae) grow longer and longer still as Winter edges into Spring. 

Natural Art
Mosses and Lichens adorn a rock. 

The Grand Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum grande) is one of the first wild flowers to appear.  It has very striking leaves (thus its name) and will sport small blue forget-me-not type flowers. 

The clumps of wild Iris (Iris tenax) look a bit tatty now.  Come April our fields should be awash in blue/purple blooms.

I hope you enjoyed today's walk and a preview of Spring to Come.  


  1. Congratulations on the finish; that is a lovely design!

  2. So pretty - congrats on the great finish.

  3. Lovely project, congrats on your finish!

  4. That is one gorgeous finish, Beth!

  5. Lovely finish! I'm enjoying watching spring come into your part of the world. It gives me hope that spring will eventually get here too. Today's winds and cold temps reminds me that it is, indeed, still winter.

  6. If you go to cottage garden samplings she has a free chart to make an album cover to put the stitched finishes in

  7. Well I love that finish too! Awfully pretty! I kept thinking of you this past weekend, as I went on hikes Saturday and Sunday. One was in a state park, along a river, so we saw loads of local plants and mosses and lichens and interesting rock formations, and a huge heron! If the pictures came out, I will post them on the blog. Then the Sunday hike was in the Botanical Gardens, and you KNOW I saw plenty of beauty there! It was a really good time... Like visiting your blog! Hugs!

  8. Today's post is full of eye candy! Such delightful designs and a beautiful walk. We are mild but very dark and drizzly.

  9. What a beautiful finish. Congratulations!!!

  10. That looks lovely! I'm almost finished with my cover page, can't wait to start January!

  11. Oooh, well done! I've added you to the SAL and am so happy you've joined in there too!

    I'm following you here now too for any other updates. Happy to 'meet' you!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.