Friday, February 22, 2013

A Heart and a Woodpecker

Finally, the internet is functioning once again!

Design - "February Monthly Markings"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Dirty Belfast linen
Started - 20 February 2013
Completed - 21 February 2013

This is a small little thing - only a couple of inches.
A little charmer.

I had a charmer fly in the other day.

He was anything but little.

Mr. Pileated Woodpecker!

He has such a distinctive profile.

He flew in with a loud "ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.  You can see his mouth is open here as he is yelling broadcasting his thoughts to the entire forest region. Interestingly, several Flickers then flew in nearby
and 'answered' him.  Maybe he is the King of the Woodpeckers and was calling a Woodpecker Convocation. 

Once again, I must ask, "Why weren't you here during the bird count?!?!?"


  1. Your recent hearts are all looking great. Neat little designs. The woodpecker looks so distinctive in shape when you see it's profile.

  2. Aww sweet wood pecker..I love the little fellow :)
    Sweet hearts xx

  3. He's a beauty! I've seen one once or twice in the neighborhood. They sure can be loud with their pecking!

  4. More chocolate and raspberry goodness, I see, Beth!! My favorite flavor combination, too :)

    Love the woodpecker--I just may have seen a similar bird here this winter, but his head was a bit different.

  5. Oh those woodpeckers! Love seeing them at the feeders, but they're not so cute when they're pecking on the house!

  6. And He is probably asking you 'why' you did the bird count early without him????
    Hugs, di and miss gracie

  7. The little heart is so pretty. I just love those woodpeckers. We usually have them but I have not seen any this year.

  8. Love the hearts! I would love to have a big guy like that here...we get the small wood peckers all winter...they are pretty friendly too...but yours is a beauty! Have a great weekend

  9. We have put up a woodpecker nesting box since seeing a green spotted one in our garden last year, fingers crossed we will get one to nest this year.

  10. Cute stitching! Great pic of the woodpecker :) I ever saw one once & was amazed at how big it was!!

  11. What a charming little finish - and such pretty colours, Great catch of the woodpecker.

  12. Very cute heart design. I finally saw our pileated Thursday. I have heard them and seen the holes they left but this is the first time I've seen him. My mother has them come into her suet feeders all the time - they really make a mess of those.

  13. First, that little heart is adorable.

    What a beautiful woodpecker. Is this the type that Woody Woodpecker is? We have some that look like Woody Woodpecker, but of course not here while the GBBC was going on.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.