Friday, January 18, 2013

WIP's and Grosbeaks

Edgar's recent post about his WIP's inspired me to revisit my WIP's.

First off there is "Fair Daffodil" by Blackbird Designs.  I began this in 2010 and had fits with over one on dark linen...and so it languishes.

I began "Swedish Mittens" clear back in 1997.  It is stitched on 10 count Tula using four strands of floss.  I think I've stopped because I'm no longer enamored with Tula (or stitching with 4 strands for that matter!)

Oh "The Rabbit Alphabet".  I worked away on this pretty regularly in September and October of 2012.  I've less than 25% of the chart left to stitch...and little to no motivation to do so. 

Here's my oldest one - from a 1992 magazine.
A Noah's Ark feather tree.  It looks like I'm about 1/2 done.  I originally stopped because I lost the magazine with the pattern.  Through an early cross stitch message board, someone kindly sent me a copy.  But I never finished.  It's on a 29 count linen, using three strands...hmmm...

Did I mention that I've been hearing Evening Grosbeaks the last few mornings?

Well, I was finally reward when these two guys showed up at the feeders.

Normally Evening Grosbeaks are 'Spring Birds' and spend April-July in the Willamette Valley before heading up to the higher mountain elevations for the rest of the year. 

But once in a while, a couple of birds decide to hang out - out of season. 

They are so bright and pretty - practically Pacific NW Parrots!

I love their markings - they are such intelligent looking birds.


  1. Oh. I can sympathize - what is it about stitching on low count that is so unattractive? It's a shame, becuase they're all lovely projects. I hope they will stir up some motivation again, especially the mittens WIP :-)

  2. I saw Edgar's post also on WIP. You are also finished with the rabbit alphabet... it's so close. I love the one colored cross stitch patterns. And the Noah's Ark feather tree is gorgeous!!

  3. I love seeing all your WIPs -- so much fun to see! Great bird pics as usual too.

  4. I don't associate you with unfinished stitchwork Beth, you complete so many designs that I feel like a butterfly in comparison.

  5. I love your wipe. I would love to see you work on them instead of all the smalls right now. Especially the mittens and the animals one. Love your work as usual.

  6. I love the pictures you post of all the birds that visit - thanks for sharing them!

  7. Is that all ya got?? I can beat that!!! Actually, like I told Edgar, I need to count mine! I will post a picture of a finished WIP tomorrow and also a new finish! Then I need to do a brief stint in letters... S-N-O-W for my wall decor. In between showing NOEL and LOVE I thought I would do that! Were the Grosbeaks making a lovely sound or just noisy? Gotta check my Petersons! Hugs!

  8. I love the Noah's Ark feather tree and Rabbit Alphabet. Come on, you're almost finished on some of these and I know you can get them done! Would love to watch your progress.

  9. You sound like me with my WIPs.

    Maybe your Grosbeaks are predicting an early spring? I've noticed some new bird songs in our area although I've not seen them yet but it has me thinking some of the spring birds are back, even though it's really early for them.

  10. Nice wips. You've got to finish them off! The daffodils & the rabbit one are my favourite. I've got many wip & am trying so hard to work on them on a rotation to finish them all before I can start something else...It's so hard :)

  11. Nice progress on your WIPs! I have so many, but am trying to work through them and keep reminding myself to enjoy the journey and not get overwhelmed.

    Love the bird photos!

  12. Another new-to-me bird!! I love their yellow eyebrows :)

    I hope you get inspired to finish Rabbit Alphabet, Beth--it is so beautiful in that shade of blue you're using...

    I can see why the Noah's Ark would be tough to finish. I really don't enjoy stitching with three strands of thread--it is so hard to keep them from twisting!

  13. I say finish the Rabbit Alphabet and ditch anything using more than 2 strands because, ugh, that is so rotten to work with. We all get to vote on these, right?? ;)
    All told though, that REALLY isn't that bad. I'm sure most of us have twice as many WIP's 'lurking' about.

  14. We had a pair of grosbeaks visit our feeders around Mother's Day for several years! It was always so cool seeing them because that was the only time they visited. Great photos!

  15. Lovely photos as always, Beth--glad that you've got two new interesting visitors at your feeder. I've never seen grosbeaks at mine. Have a lovely week!


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