Thursday, January 24, 2013

Winter Stitching Summer Photos

I'm continuing my January stitching theme with a snowman by Val's Stuff.

Our neighbors to the west have a couple of Trail Camera.
They shared some of their 'best' summer photos with us.



Two Bucks

A Cougar

Their meadow has lots of different critters using it at different times of the day!


  1. Wow, what an exciting place to live :-) Thanks for sharing.

  2. Aww stunning place :)
    Happy stitching x

  3. Wow, great photos! I like your new stitching piece, too.

  4. Such cool trail pics!

    Enjoy the snowman stitching. I think I might start a snowman stitch soon as well.

  5. Goodness me, I'd be afraid to go outside!!

  6. Oh, those beasties look quite a bit more exciting than the ones we find in our garden :o)

    Love your snowman adventure, but also your header It makes me want to stitch Prairie Schoolers!

  7. OK, I'm never hiking in your back yard, Beth--cougars, bears, and bobcats--oh my!!!

  8. Those animals are just amazing. Several years ago when we had a big snow, we found bear tracks in the yard but that is as far as it goes.

  9. I am SUCH a city girl--those critters would freak me out! They give me the creeps just looking at them! I love hiking, but now...hmmm.......Hugs!

  10. Winter stitching sounds like a perfect project! And those wildlife photos--wow, the bear and cougars! What a neat idea to have the camera set up, I'm assuming on some kind of timer, in order to get those kinds of shots--really amazing. Have a lovely weekend, Beth!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.