Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We Go Back in Time...

I'm battling the Drear Fog with a Vivid Post!
I found this lion the other day.  He is a study in crewel embroidery circa 1974.  The mane and tail are composed of French knots.  At a glance I see straight stitches, back stitches, chain stitches, and satin stitches too.  I think he must have been one of my earliest finishes.  He looked smashing decorating the wall of my teen-aged bedroom.

There are bits of vivid color to combat the fog outside too.
This Fuchsia continues to bloom happily away safe in my little lean-to greenhouse.  

The Cyclamen appear cold-resistant too.

It nice to have a spot or two of color in mid-January.

The earliest of the Witch Hazels is in full bloom.  
I've seen the Hummingbirds taking advantage of the blossoms.

It too appears to shrug off our cold weather.


  1. Beth, I think that is my most favorite colored lion ever! ;)

  2. aww cute lion ;)
    hugs from african lions xx

  3. Oh, what I wouldn't do to have flowers blooming here! I don't think they'd do too well in our sub-zero temps and strong winds right now.

    How wonderful that you still have one of your earliest needlework pieces.

  4. I just love to see flowers this time of year. I am planning a visit to the U of W arboretum in a few weeks. They have an amazing winter garden, witch hazels of all colors plus many other blooming things. Love that Lion, I used to do crewel in the 70's.

  5. Oh my goodness, all those French knots... congrats for the stamina :-) He's so cute.

  6. Love the lion, very colorful! Thanks for sharing your outdoor pictures. Lucky you to have a fushia blooming in the greenhouse.

  7. Love the lion. :)
    And what a treat for the eyes to still be surrounded by blooming flowers in the winter!


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