Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Wetland's Walk - Part 1

Design - "Joy"
Chart - "Flora McSample 2011 Christmas Ornaments"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 32 count Wichelt Milk Chocolate Linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 30 December 2012
Completed - 30 December 2012

There's going to be a bit of Reindeer Theme Spillage over into 2013.  This was a perfect stitch for an evening watching "Mama Mia".

On Monday morning my mother, sister and I took a Watery Walk around the Delta Ponds.  Grab your scarf and mittens and join us. 

The 150 acre site is the result of gravel mining along the edge of the Willamette River in the 1950's. In the last few years the city has worked hard to restore the wetlands, and to create an oasis of quiet amidst busy roads and condominiums. In 2005 a notch was cut in the levy allowing the Willamette River and the ponds to flow into one another once again. 

75,000 genetically local trees, shrubs, sedges and rushes were planted between 2006 and 2011 to create habitat. While much work still needs to be done, there is a very nice pathway and the birds we observed seem most content.  New Year's Eve morning was cold and brisk - our walk invigorating.

The Canada Geese were all tucked in for a mid-morning nap.

Or perhaps they were just cold!

This is a Pied-Billed Grebe.

A knowledgeable Birder identified it for us, otherwise it would have remained a Mystery Bird.  It's a small bird, only 13" long and a diver.

The ponds were edged with lots of red barked shrubs.  This may be Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea).

As well as the Canada Geese, there were many Mallard couples out and about. 
There is something inherently amusing about Mallards don't you agree?

I think this is the breach in the levy which now allows a small artery of the Willamette River to flow through the ponds.  It helps to keep the waters fresh and clean, and provides food of an aquatic nature for the many birds.

If there are Basic Brown Birds in the Duck World, then the Gadwalls qualify.  The male is in the front, the female in the back.  They are dabbling ducks who forage on the water's surface for plant material. 

We also saw several Double-crested Cormorants.
This one is performing the Cormorant Caracole!


...and in groups.
Their bright yellow bills and size make them easy to identify.  They dive for small fish - very successfully.  

I have yet more bird photos to share and will post Part Two tomorrow.  Please come back to continue on with our Wetland's Walk. 


  1. Very pretty finish, and great start of the new stitching year :-)

  2. Oh I love that ornament! And you walk looks like a lovely setting :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I do enjoy seeing the fresh water birds, I never tire of seeing the canada geese.

  5. Great pictures! I love watching birds.

  6. Thanks for taking me on your walk... part two is not coming up on your blog, but it came into my reader...? Love the two finishes... you are so speedy! Happy New Year--may it be filled with lots of everything you love! Hugs!

  7. A great winter walk! We have had two days of sunshine but cold!

  8. Happy New Year Beth!
    I love the LK ornament finish.
    Thanks for taking me on the walk with you.

  9. What a lovely post. So nice that the grvale pits have been turned into a wetland area for birds.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.