Thursday, December 13, 2012

Turkey Feathers and Holiday Market

The Slowly Reappearing Turkey now has a head, beak, gizzard, and tail feathers.  The alphabet has a few more letters.  Getting there...slowly.

From mid-November until Christmas the Saturday Market and Farmers' Market merge and become the Holiday Market held at our local county convention center (indoors out of the elements).  Last Saturday my Mom, sister, and I took a stroll around the Holiday Market.

I have a couple of bird tiles by this artist, but am always looking to grow my collection.  The difficulty is in the choosing.

As this is Eugene, OR (unofficial Hippie Capital of the USA), there were tie-dyed tee shirts for sale. 

There was music too - several folks felt compelled to get up and 'groove' with the band.

With my love of color, these quilts called to me.

This booth sold tutus and wands and fairy wings for the whimsical little girl in your life. 

Isn't this a glorious basket?  Love the use of color and materials.  

This photographer takes the best shots of ferns, and hummingbirds, and mushrooms.

Speaking of mushrooms...aren't these the coolest tee shirts? 

And we cannot leave the Holiday Market without purchasing fresh catnip mice for Tom-Cat, Parvati, Padma, and Solomon.  The mice are a Christmas morning tradition for the cats.  When they receive them, a good 30 minutes of pandemonium then ensues!   


  1. You provide the best virtual shopping! lol! And virtual shopping is the safest kind too. :D Love seeing what's at the holiday market!

  2. Yup you provide the lovely virtual shopping..he he he Love seeing what's at the market :)

  3. ooooo drooled over a few bits there and yeahhh cat nip is brill :) love mouse xxxx

  4. What a fun Holiday Market... I see lots that would have had my attention. Oh the Christmas catnip mouse... this is a tradition at our house too. And one of the few time we see Big Dude energetic - LOL. It is very short lived though.

  5. I wish I was a fly on the wall when the kitties get their catnip mice! Do you ever tape it? Hippie Capital? Well better you, than my hometown of San Francisco! (though I have not been there in many years!!)Isn't there a song about wearing flowers in your hair when going to SF? Ahh but it is old... Out with the old and in with Eugene! Enjoyed it as usual! Hugs and Merry Christmas!

  6. You folks down in Oregon really know how to do markets. This one looks like fun!

  7. Looks like a great little market to poke around. My husband LIVED in those types of tie-dyed shirts when I first met him in '91. Deadhead *cough*


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