Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Signs of Spring in December

Design - Reindeer motif from "Christmas Ornaments"
Designer - Niky's Creations
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 9 December 2012
Completed - 9 December 2012

Even in December, there are early signs of Spring to Come.

I have primrose blooming now.

They are pretty scraggly looking what with all the rain.

And look at this clump of Narcissus.  Yikes!  It'll be interesting to see just how soon it buds up and blooms. 

The Hellebores are harbingers of Spring too.

Several of the plants have budded up and one has already set blossoms.

A couple of the pots I planted with Spring bulbs are also showing signs of life. 

This one has crocus.

I've managed thus far to keep my cyclamen happy, healthy, and mildew free.

As we've yet to have a hard frost, there are Fuchsias still in bloom.

The Agastaches and Salvias in the mudroom flowerbed remain profuse too.

The Anna's hummingbirds appreciate the opportunity to supplement their bird feeder nectar with the 'real thing'.


  1. Cute reindeer, and so nice to see signs of life at this time of year.

  2. It's amazing seeing fuchsias in December. We've had so many days with below freezing temperatures that nothing has kept going in the garden. I do like lambswool linen as a background fabric, that looks like a particularly good tone (they can vary quite a bit).

  3. Your stitching looks great! It's fun to see signs of Spring when everything else is quiet with winter frost.

  4. sweet reindeer :)
    lovely flowers..love for you x

  5. Love the reindeer!

    Is it normal for your spring bulbs and flowers to be sprouting now? Here, we're feeling like winter is just starting and there you are having spring pop up!


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