Friday, December 28, 2012

Our True Loves Gave to Us...

Design - "Happy Gobble Gobble Day"
Designer - The Trilogy
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool line
Fibers - WDW & GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 29 November 2012
Completed - 27 December 2012

Seasonal employment and getting ready for Christmas really cut into my stitching time the last two or three weeks.  I finally was able to finish my November turkey yesterday.

The turkey is not the only New Bird we have around here.

My Mom's Bird tree is no longer missing a finial.

A large red cardinal now proudly perches atop the tree.

My sister gifted my Mom with three hand-carved birds she bought on her trip to Maine.  I especially like the intelligent expression of the Evening Grosbeak on the right.

Speaking of birds, I was given this ceramic tile of a Mountain Quail by Terra Madre Tile.

The menagerie grew abounds too. 
My sister found this metal goat awaiting her pleasure on the Front Porch!

My love of nature was noted with acorn designed polymer clay and earrings and a matching pin.

And my Nature tree now sprouts seven mushroom ornaments large and small.  I am most pleased!


  1. Oh what fun!!!! I love all the gifts given -- so lovely! Now I know how your collections grow. :D

  2. The nice thing about polymer clay is that it is very light to wear. I love the hand carved birds.

  3. Congrats on the finish, it's lovely. The bird ornaments are gorgeous.

  4. What wonderful additions to the Christmas tree! That cardinal topping off the tree is goregous! And I love that goat your sister bought. I'm a sucker for cute animals to add to the porch or garden. Have a Happy New Year!

  5. I always look forward to your blog posts when I open my reader.I am not a big fan of decorated trees, but I just love the bird and nature tree!!

  6. Your finish of Happy Gobble Gobble Day is adorable.

    So many birds and I really like them all, especially the red cardinal!

    I'd love to have that metal goat on my porch too. It looks like it's ready to eat those plants, lol.

  7. I love your nature tree, how original! And I really love goat!

  8. Anna's Hummingbird is amazing...great photos.

    I loved seeing your gorgeous Christmas tree with that beautiful cardinal perched on top.

    Your menagerie truly is growing by leaps and bounds....great gifts.

    Blessings for the New Year!

  9. Fun fun fun stuff! That cardinal looks right at home perched up top. :)


  10. Happy New Year dear friend. I wish the New year brings you lots of happiness and joy. May God shower his abundant blessings upon you all year round.

  11. OMG, love the goat and those earrings to! Happy New Year!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.