Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Decorations

My sister has long collected 'Dicken's Village' by Department 56.
Each year she sets up her Victorian Christmas Vision atop the buffet in the dining room.  

She also displays her favorite holiday china in the dining room hutch.
The top shelf has dishes on the far left and right that belonged to our great-grandmother.  Top center is some of our grandmother's Franciscan-ware.
The middle shelf shows off beautiful Lenox pattern called "Etchings".  The plates are rimmed with yew, pine, and eucalyptus.  The bottom shelf has some Fostoria and other cut glass goblets.  And yes, more of my salt and peppers too. 

Here is my Christmas display in the family room.  I pretty much take over the media center this time off year.  I've already posted about the salt and pepper shakers on the top two shelves, so lets move on... 

This is the 'United Nations Meeting of Wooden Santas'!  My sister and I both collect handcrafted wooden Santas.  I used to share my work commute with the most remarkable man, Steve Gordon, who made many of these.  He carved, and his wife Susie painted.  It was a super collaboration between two very talented people.  The Gordons had an open house once a year where the carvings were displayed and sold; but since the arrival of a couple of grandchildren, they no longer sell their work. 

This is my 'Countdown to Christmas' display.  

My Sue Dreamer snowman collection. 

My Noah's Ark collection.

My Sue Dreamer Santa collection.

There are also a couple of Nativities on the bottom shelves.  I'll post about them in a day or two.


  1. wow what a great collection..
    merry christmas dear friend x

  2. Oh my gosh, all of your collections are amazing!!! Wow! And I thought I was a collector! lol!

  3. Wow!! Your collections are amazing. I just love those hand carved Santas!

  4. What amazing collections. My favourite has to be the Noah one - I have such a weakness for anything Noah and the Ark related.

  5. WOW, each post your decorations get better and better. How long does it take you to put everything out each year?

  6. Chris, Your collections are amazing. The wooden carved Santa are just wonderful!!! Your home looks so pretty and festive!

  7. Your collections are wonderful! Loved seeing your photos!

  8. Wow! This is better than window shopping, plus I can be in my jammies!! Love all of it. The handcarved ones are very very nicely done! I think my faves are Sue Dreamer Snowmen, which I have never seen before! Great collections... my goodness!

  9. Love your collections! How wonderful to have hand carved, hand painted Santas.

  10. You've got some great collec tions. It must be fun to bring them out for the Christmas season.

  11. You have the best collections. Soooo much to look at and it's all so happy-making. Love it!


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