Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What To Do...Next?

Here's an array of "Thankful Stitches".  I'm not certain what will be next though I'm kinda' partial to the Turkey with the Pilgrim hat in the center of my mess display.  Stay tuned!

On Friday the Eugene Weavers' Guild had a Friends and Family Open House at the Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts (DIVA).

One of the themes the Guild explored this past year was "Puzzles" and my were their expressions ever so creative.
From this maze...

...to this embodiment of Puzzle!

On the left another maze puzzle, on the right a sumptuous scarf. 

This piece, titled "The Wandering Road", was my aunt's entry. 

Here's a visual puzzle - the horizontal lines appear wave, but they are straight and true.

I think this word puzzle was my favorite.  I think it is so clever - the words and the colors mirroring each other.

This is a tiny 3" x 4" book cover - see the itty-bitty scissors?
What fun and how amazingly creative this group of women is.


  1. wowwwwwwww so many cute charts..
    happy stitching all of them..
    big hugs x

  2. The more you look at their work the more you see in them.

    Thank you for sharing.

  3. All very clever indeed. I think if I had to choose which design to stitch it would be the Zipper - Give Thanks.

  4. Boy, you are surrounded by creativity - must be in the air there! I like your possible turkey choice, as well as the Gather underneath it. That one reminds me of a thankful Charlie Brown Christmas tree!

  5. oooo love all those wee charts i'd have a hard time too to choose ... and gorgeous ideas ... love that black and white on the best too :) love mouse xxxxx

  6. My favorite of your chart collection is the Tiny Tim Turkey. He is so cute!

  7. I love that turkey with the pilgrim's hat!! Is it a Bent Creek?

  8. So many cute Thanksgiving designs to chose from, Beth. I like the one you're leaning toward and, would you believe, that of all of those I've only stitched gather myself?

    Thanks for sharing the DIVA photos with us--very talented artists there!

  9. Hmm...it would be a hard choice to make. There are some good ones in that pile! Maybe put them in a bag, give it a shake, and pull one out. LOL!

  10. Ummmmm, I might love them all? So many great designs!!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.