Friday, November 23, 2012

Still All About Food

I started stitching my Hershey's Kiss Turkey.  The body uses silver Kreinik braid.  As you know, braid is difficult to work with.  I thought one strand would be far easier to manage than two slipper strands.  I used one strand, and now I'm not sure that I have the coverage I want.  I think I'll try two when I start up again, and then I'll be able to compare and decide.  

We are not Black Friday shoppers.  We are Take it Easy and Digest Thanksgiving Dinner.

See, everyone is resting and taking it easy.

Mama Deer

Baby Deer

The Doe is a very good mother.  Though she no longer allows the fawn to nurse, she still watches out and grooms and is otherwise motherly.

My Big Boy Buck was back too - on the move in the early morning so I did not get a very good picture.

I hope that you are relaxing today and enjoying left-overs. 


  1. Love the post holiday meal relaxation photos. Hope the animals found all they wanted for dinner.

    I read on another blog recently that a stitcher just went back over the top leg of her x to get better coverage, so that may be an easier way to fill in the turkey kiss "foil".

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing this design progress as I have the main chart but have never stitched any of them as yet. The photo with the four furry friends made me smile.

  3. I love Kreinik braid. I have always used one strand.

    I am not a black friday shopper but then I dislike shopping except at LNS.

  4. it is really looks like a very sweet design..i love it..
    beautiful photos..
    big hugs x

  5. You can barely see the silver braid in your picture. I'm sure the difficulty stitching it will be worth it once it's finished. I also hate using the sparkly threads, but love how they look when done.

  6. I agree with you totally! I can't even think about going to the mall today! I am proud because the DH and I went to the Y!Love those cat and deer photos!

  7. I bet if the linen were darker, the one strand of braid would be fine. Not that that helps you now, right? lol It's so fiddly with two strands though - I would have tried making just one work too!

    The deer look nice and plump for winter. Heh.

  8. Your Hershey's Kiss turkey looks like it's going to be adorable!

    I love how everyone relaxed on Friday, we did too.


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