Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Owls and Fall Color and Spring Bulbs

Design - "Halloween Owl"
Magazine - "Just Cross Stitch Halloween Collection"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Started - 19 October 2012
Completed - 2 November 2012

Someone comment earlier that they thought this owl was giving the moon the 'evil eye'!  It does appear that the moon is scared of something!

We had such a pretty and unseasonably warm weekend.  I had to be outside. 

I wanted to share  Before and After pictures of this small Japanese Maple.  This is the 'Before' photo taken on 10/29. 

And this is my newest plant purchase.  An Echinacea with the greatest name ever - 'Now Cheesier'!  (Someone has to be a big fan of Velveeta don't you think?)  

Yup, I bought more Spring bulbs!
I was pleased to finally find a couple kinds of Muscari to set out.
Early Saturday morning I got them all planted too.
I now have 20 pots of Spring bulbs of various sizes.  I should have a really nice display of color come April.  

And here's my 'After' photo.  Same Japanese Maple.  This was taken on 11/4.  The tree dropped its leaves all at once like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree!


  1. Aww cute stitching and lovely pictures..
    I always love my walk with you xxx

  2. I do like your new plant purchase, it's such a cheery colour for this time of year.

  3. Love the PS owl
    Just love your walks I wish mine were that interesting

  4. Such a cute finish, Beth--I really never noticed that the moon appeared scared before, but you're right!

    We just planted some more tulip bulbs, but we have to do it within the fenced garden due to our friendly neighborhood deer!

  5. I agree that owl is definitely giving the moon a dirty look.LOL

  6. I didn't notice that about the moon and the owl until now!! I loved your muscari last spring. I think I'm inspired to go buy some bulbs. We have just been having so much rain. It's hard to get out to plant.

  7. Beautiful finish. And you are right...lol. That owl surely gives the moon an evil look.
    Love your garden pictures. Looking forward to see the a picture of the flowers these bulbs will produce. :)

  8. Beth, the owl and moon are great! I have this one finished as an ornament and hanging on my seasonal wall tree. It will be fun to see the bulbs in bloom in the spring. Wanda


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