Saturday, October 6, 2012

September Trail Camera Photos

We downloaded the September photos from our Trail Camera.

Lots of pictures of deer.

Here's a daytime photo of our Bobcat.  If you click on it and enlarge it, you can see that he is facing us on the left.

Most of the interesting photos were taken at night.

Here's the Bobcat at night. 

Here's an Opossum.

A large Buck.
Late last week I noticed this track on our driveway near our Trail Camera.
Can you guess what it might be?

A Cougar!  A VERY BIG CAT! 


  1. Cool pictures Beth. That is one big cat.

  2. Amazing!! Love the shots! We have a cam set up over the lake at our house but have to turn it off at night because it reflects the inside of the house. I would love to set one up for nighttime and see what all is creeping around out there. Or maybe I don't want to know. haha!

  3. aww super big
    lovely pictures..
    big hugs xx

  4. You can not leave your pets out at night to even go to the bathroom. can you?
    That is one BIG cat out there.

  5. Great pictures! That cougar is so big, think I'd be afraid to go out my door at night!

  6. How many acres do you have? We have 11 here. People are always trying to get us to let them hunt here but there's no way any of us will allow it. That paw print is either that beautiful cougar's or a bear. We've seen cougars, bears, coyotes, and bobcats pass through here too. There is a den that one of them used up the back side of our house but since we've been showing more of ourselves around they moved on. Mainly the deer bed here now. They like us. The eldest female will make my Husband stop in the middle of the driveway to walk up to his window to say hi if she's out. LOL I love nature!!

  7. Wow, that's a scary cat indeed. I hope your kitties stay in at night.

  8. I thought you lived in a city?!! With wildlife that close, I would be jumpy! I am SUCH a city girl!! Hugs!

  9. Beth, those are amazing pictures!!What a huge cat!

  10. Love the pic from your trail camera. How far is the trail camera from your house? I would always be making alot of noise to keep that cougar going the opposite direction.


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