Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Stitching and Walking

I thought that I'd have a finish to share.
Instead I worked on a couple of different things.

I worked on this Prairie Schooler owl.

And I worked on this owl sampler.

As October comes to an end, the natural world mimics the eeriness of Halloween.  Let's take a walk.

We have a couple of Oaks covered in the lichen Methuselah's Beard.

For some reason there are not many rose hips - this is by far the best clump along my mile-long walk. 

And yet the Hawthorns are covered with berries.  I cannot remember ever seeing them so festooned before.
This Apple has lost most of its leaves, but the fruit remains on the tree. 

I've mentioned the many wilding Apple trees I see along my walk, well now I've found a Pear tree to keep them company.

With the return of Autumn rains, the mosses and lichens are renewed and refreshed and vibrant green. 

A Big Leaf Maple leaf.  Beauty and structural complexity all in one.

We are having a polite family argument over this tree.  It appears to be a cherry, and yet every other cherry (wild and cultivated) in the area fruited months ago and the leaves are now turning yellow and red.  So what is it?  Further research is needed. 

Here's the Big Creek. 
We've had enough moisture now that it is once again quietly flowing.

We'll end our walk with another late October atmospheric vignette!
Happy Halloween!


  1. aww beautiful halloween stitching and lovely walk..
    hugs cucki xxx

  2. Beautiful nature photos! I just noticed today that the berries on our holly bush have turned red so quickly! I'm really liking your stitching - owls have become one of my favorites!

  3. That's a lot of berries on the hawthorn. Such a rich shade of red.

  4. Gorgeous pics as always. Love your stitching. The PS owl looks like it's giving the moon a right telling off ,lol.

  5. I can't wait to see the owl sampler completed! What cuteness you have been stitching! Enjoyed the walk, as always! Hugs!

  6. What cute owls! And a very pretty walk.

  7. Beautiful fall colors.
    I love both your current projects.
    Now, I am looking forward to the November Header :)

  8. Fall is looking mighty lovely in the Wilamette Valley area, Beth! Hope you had a nice Halloween...ours had to be postponed due to the winds and rain from Sandy. Seemed very odd not to be handing out treats last night!

  9. Beautiful stitchery and a gorgeous walk outdoors. I love those oak trees--so much color in the woods right now. That pear tree looks like it's loaded. We had four pears on our little tree, and right before I was going to pick them something--a raccoon, a possum,?--pulled them all off the tre! But they left them on the stairs, so we still got to have all but one!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.