Thursday, October 25, 2012

Further Owl Stitches

I've been working on a couple of small owl stitches.
This is a Hinzeit chart called "Vintage Halloween Owl".

  This is a Prairie Schooler ornament from a JCS Magazine. And yes, an owl will appear sooner or later! Both pieces are taking longer than I'd originally thought.

Lately we've had a little bit of everything weather-wise.

A lovely sunset.

Raindrops on Douglas Fir boughs.

Dewy cobwebs on a foggy morning.

Somethings have remained constant.
This duo comes by each morning.

And each morning Tom-Cat watches from a 'safe' distance.

Better he watch the deer than this bunny!


  1. such cute stitching..
    enjoy your day..
    hugs cucki xx

  2. That is one cute owl, wonderful expression.

  3. I do love your owl stitching. I loved doing the JBW owl as it had little owls inside the bigger design. Also such pretty outdoor photos.

  4. Cute stitching and I love all the pics, especially the raindrops on the boughs.

  5. Lovely nature photos, Beth--that sunset is wonderful. And how cute it Tom-Cat keeping a wary eye on that deer!! Your little owl is very cute--who knew there were so many owl charts out there?!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.