Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dahlias Are the Stars

Here's some color to enjoy on a rather gray Sunday.
My sister's Dahlia Garden.

Miniature Ball - 'Frank Kafka'

'Alfred Grille' - In-curved Cactus 

'Harvey Koop' - A-sized Formal Decorative

The garden in bloom

'Sean C.' - Collarette

'Embrace' - BB-sized semi-cactus

'Belred Sunset' - In-curved Cactus.
The correct form is more like the bloom in the background on the right.   

More color - including the Garden Gate.

The Proud Gardener!


  1. Gorgeous! I just love dahlias!!

  2. Your sister deserves to be proud. Beautiful specimens.

  3. beautiful..
    tell your sister cucki is saying hi from africa xxx

  4. Those flowers almost don't look real, they are so bright and wonderfully shaped.

  5. Oh I LOVE the dahlias! I'd love to walk in her garden. I'm going to plant some dahlias next year - my son's new house has a great spot that would be great for them.

  6. I have one word to describe my reaction to the dahlias - jealous! They are beautiful. Pass my congratulations to your sister! x

  7. Ohhh wow! those are some beautiful flowers. Your sister has a wonderful green thumb :)

  8. It's hard to choose a favourite from such beauties but if I had to I would choose the pink one that is ball shaped, it's so perfect.

  9. Beautiful! My grandmother raised pink dinner plate dahlias in her garden every summer, always loved seeing them in full bloom!

  10. Please let your sister know that I think her garden is amazing!

  11. Wow, your sister has one impressive dahlia garden!!

  12. Lovely flowers. I wish I could grow them as wonderfully as your sister. So nice that they are still so beautiful even with fall coming.


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