Saturday, October 27, 2012

300 Followers Give Away - Part 2

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know I'm a bit nutty about birds.
"Bird Egg Feather Nest" by Maryjo Koch is a wonderful book that celebrates all things Avian.   

The drawings are lovely.  Each page demands a lingering perusal.

Maryjo's style reminds me of Marjolein Bastin's work.

If you are interested in receiving a copy of this out of print book, leave me a comment on this post by 11:59pm Pacific Daylight Savings Time Sunday 10/28.  I will announce the name of the winner on either Monday 10/29 or Tuesday 10/30.  If your Google account is set up so that I can, I will contact you.  So many people, however, are set up on Google as "No Reply", so please please please read my posts on Monday and Tuesday to see if you are the winner.  I have thus far been unable to contact Suze the winner of last Saturday's Give-Away.  I'll wait a few more days, and if I do not hear from her directly or via a comment with her email address included, I will draw again.      


  1. I too love birds and really enjoy feeding and watching them. I would love to be entered for a chance in your drawing.

  2. What a gorgeous book! We have several different kinds of birds that nest in our 2 big spruce trees in our back yard. I can see these out the window as I sit at my computer and I really enjoy watching all of the activity :-)

    Thanks so much for your generosity, and a chance at this beautiful book!

  3. Please add me to your giveaway if you are Ok to post to the UK, should I be very lucky and win.
    I love your post's and visit every day.

  4. What a beautiful book would love to win...I will check my google status...

  5. I like a bird))))Beautiful book)))

  6. Hey I seen my name, Suze, I won? I am only able to catch up on blogs on the weekends. My email is I sent an email via your contact info on the blog as well. I hope connect with you...somehow. How exciting. Thank you.

  7. Oh, I would love to sign up for this giveaway, Beth. I love books (of course!), but to me, the illustrations are such an important part of a book and these are gorgeous! Thanks for the chance :)

  8. Thank you for offering this fabulous giveaway! AND - thank you for starting each day in your beautiful, positive manner.

  9. OOohh! LOvely book--and I love Marjolein Bastein too! Please enter me in your giveaway! Hunkering down for the arrival of Sandy soon... Hugs!

  10. Hi, Beth -
    Long time no post...have been MIA from blogging...both ends...for a couple of months. I decided to try to catch up on some things on this dreary first real glimpse of winter, and yours was the first blog I came to.

    Lots of wonderful animal pix, stitch projects, and glimpses of some of your favorite shops, as always. It's good to be back again.

    Would love a chance to win your beautiful book giveaway.



  11. Aww so sweet..thank you for the lovely giveaway ..
    Please count me in..
    Hugs cucki xxx

  12. I am nutty about birds too and this book looks gorgeous. I always enjoy seeing pictures of your birds. Thank you for the chance.

  13. What a wonderful book! We will be feeding them again soon! Please put my name in the drawing!

  14. What a beautiful book Beth, as you know I love all things bird related. We have very similar taste, I have long admired the work of Marjolein Bastin. I've stitched a couple of her Vera mouse designs and have one in my "to do" basket.

  15. A beautiful book! I love birds and watercolors and have never seen this book. It would be a wonderful addition to any collection. Please enter me in your drawing.

  16. What a beautiful book! I'd love to be entered! Do keep in mind, though, that lots of people might lose their electricity or internet next week due to this big storm on the east coast, and allow for that with replying if someone on the east coast wins. :D :D Thank you for the giveaway! Her style definitely reminds me of Marjolein Bastein, who I love!

  17. This looks like a really interesting book! I love Marjolein's work so I bet I'd like this one too. Count me in! I'll cross my fingers. Hugs

  18. I am also nutty for birds, and this book is really beautiful. Please throw my name in the hat.

  19. I enjoy birds as well and am lucky to have many varieties in our rural area. The book looks beautiful so please add my name to your give-away. Thank you for being so generous!

  20. I'll stand in the amateur birder line! Last year I had junco's in my backyard and a towhee! I was so excited, I nearly died. Anywhoo, I'd love this book-thank you!

  21. I really enjoy bird watching as much as you! This bird book would be a wonderful addition to any collection.

  22. What a beautiful book! I love birds and even collect feathers when I find pretty ones! I'd love a chance to win! Thank you for such a generous and lovely giveaway!
    (my account may be one of those 'no reply' ones--I need to check!) Thanks!

  23. You are very generous, this looks to be a beautiful book!

  24. I would love to have a copy of your book. I have bird feeders in my yard to attract the birds. A real treat to see them in the yard so I would really enjoy this book. Thanks for a chance to have my own copy of the book.

  25. beautiful give away. Your blog is wonderful thanks. My email is

    I would really enjoy this book because I paint on china.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.